- 7
Range Indicator Hiding in Combat
#404 opened by Diablolock - 2
SoD: Color plates not swaping when paladin tanking using the Hand of Reckoning version of Righteous Fury
#407 opened by 0rz42 - 2
'Use Safe Color while Solo' does not work in SoD
#405 opened by Komachii - 2
NeatplatesCore.lua 79x bug
#406 opened by Marangwe - 2
Can't remove enemy's CD/buff?
#409 opened by guccigang0 - 2
Nameplate Max Distance slider range (for CVar nameplateMaxDistance)
#410 opened by dolandemort - 2
Purgeable buffs not showing in SOD
#411 opened by Dropehx - 3
Lua Error when some npcs are around
#412 opened by Revnn - 10
Quest indicator keeps disappearing on nameplates.
#384 opened by Tyrosi - 3
Custom Font on Style
#385 opened by Diablolock - 2
'Anim' Error in ComboPointWidget.lua
#386 opened by chasaya - 3
Classic/Retail Compatibility issue with _G["Settings"]
#387 opened by orionshock - 0
Rogue combo point personal resources
#388 opened by poonuss - 2
Blizzard and neatplates both displaying
#389 opened by flazouh - 4
Warlock ComboPoint Widget Error
#390 opened by Arkilyte - 0
Quest Icon not shwoing after 10.0.5
#393 opened by Diablolock - 2
Target of the target health bar
#391 opened by vbonino - 3
Enemy Vehicle Nameplates not showing
#392 opened by Diablolock - 1
consistent LUA error in arena
#395 opened by gvmz - 2
Neon theme
#396 opened by choofd - 1
Cast Bar problem
#397 opened by CraaGFR - 2
Grow direction for buffs/debuffs
#398 opened by yah467958 - 1
ability to change combo point color/texture
#399 opened by ANaPhOrAX - 2
Quest Text sometimes glitches onto the healthbar a bit
#400 opened by Denixerianer - 1
Nameplates are being stuck on after targets die
#401 opened by Miniprize - 2
Enemy Nameplates Become Stuck in Place
#402 opened by Apoxiosis - 1
Nameplates sticking in place on screen
#403 opened by Xiverz - 2
Unable to change colors
#415 opened by Macgriffeth - 14
Lua error when clicking on (I think Pally or Shaman) but also trying to change colors
#413 opened by grospapa - 3
Cata classic prepatch trigers many lua errors
#414 opened by Apoxiosis - 1
Attacking other tank threat bar coloring not working in Cata Classic
#416 opened by nickydd9 - 5
Not working properly on some alts
#418 opened by Connordan - 2
Fresh DK
#419 opened by vandiel01 - 9
Broken in 11.0
#420 opened by hollo6 - 0
Nameplates to only display Quest NPCs?
#421 opened by daibosu - 3
LibRangeCheck C_Item.GetItemInfo nill
#422 opened by MrQiYin - 2
#423 opened by MrQiYin - 5
Attempt to call field setsubset text (a nil value) TWW Patch
#426 opened by Yarvillian - 1
#424 opened by s890214 - 2
Profiles cant be deleted / And a question
#425 opened by Rinkashirukito - 1
Personal resources show that they have expired.
#428 opened by luocheng610 - 2
Can't i add icon?
#427 opened by Jiasonthe - 2
Unsupported widget
#429 opened by Nukme - 3
Tooltip issue in conjunction with Azerite UI.
#430 opened by NeilWindbourne - 2
Personal Resource Display Beta Does Not Offset Auras
#431 opened by Xorag - 6
Latest blizzard update broke the addon
#432 opened by trishapalor - 3
Combo Points won't turn of Cataclysm
#436 opened by zion563 - 2
Issues with spell interrupts and channeled spells
#433 opened by Ainlaen - 2
Aura filter not working - SoD
#434 opened by blackmyin - 2
Transparency sliders reversing
#435 opened by blackmyin