- 2
History only showing 10 lines.
#60 opened by Quartzfire - 3
Static chat frame alpha
#59 opened by plusmouse - 3
Can not move chat fully to the edge of the screen
#58 opened by OutOfPhase87 - 1
empty space before friend name
#56 opened by Daeveren - 13
Newcomers chat mentor and murloc icons
#55 opened by artazika - 4
Background color no longer gets dark
#54 opened by pblair90 - 2
Clear chatbox after all addons load.
#53 opened by Baz4k - 2
Chatbox moves on reload if part of the edit mode outline is off the screen
#52 opened by Baz4k - 11
What is the expected behaviour, for the alpha on chat windows?
#51 opened by plusmouse - 1
Search Box Alpha
#50 opened by Uggers - 1
CopyChat button is in wrong layer (behind the text, not over it)
#49 opened by tealkami - 1
3.9.4 Chat background transparency resets on reload
#48 opened by Nillx - 0
Disable Flashing of the chat tabs
#47 opened by Crusherix - 32
Set Chatframe Alpha / Zero Clamp Size
#46 opened by Crusherix - 6
Real ID Whisper space between channel and name
#45 opened by VaporAPX - 13
Guide + Flag has disapeared from Newcomer Chat
#44 opened by Uggers - 0
Server name coloured (Class)
#43 opened by Uggers - 3
Feature Request: Anchor Chat Window on Left Edge
#42 opened by Devinmarra - 1
On Login (party members changed)
#41 opened by yammen1 - 2
Main Frame movement
#39 opened by VaporAPX - 8
Todays release broke Prat
#38 opened by Quazzarr - 2
call a protected function (Search()) which may require interaction
#37 opened by Kilmatar - 1
AltNames ColorPicker broken
#36 opened by ETSeki - 2
An action was blocked because of taint from Prat-3.0 - ClearTarget()
#35 opened by ETSeki - 2
Pre-patch Bugs
#33 opened by DreamsUnderStars - 1
Dragonflight XML errors
#31 opened by LupeChristoph - 4
10.0.x Prepatch - attempt to call method 'GetMinResize' (a nil value)
#24 opened by reiyooki - 1
WOTLK Chat Bubble Error
#23 opened by Eurymachus - 2
Classic: Attempt to register unknown event "PARTY_MEMBERS_CHANGED"
#22 opened by DanSheps - 2
Dragonflight Beta LUA errors so far
#21 opened by Voxxel - 1
Can't update Prat via CurseForge and addon managers that use CF as source.
#20 opened by Voxxel - 5
#19 opened by StarkSyrup - 2
Bug: Prefixing text causes chat line not to appear in chatbox
#18 opened by Johnhundred - 0
Vuhdo is blocked by Blizzard UI in Dragonflight Beta
#17 opened by mmayo22 - 1
4 LUA errors every time I login
#16 opened by Jaladhjin - 4
Add Release Package
#15 opened by fantom8 - 0
Buttons "Show Arrows" not showing
#14 opened by Xainfinen - 2
"Unable to manually leave chat channel: Newcomer Chat" and disabling display of community and newcomer chat
#13 opened by wheatbread - 5
every line shows as : <BNET REMOVED> (this is not understood. i mean ever line was simply "<BNET REMOVED>")
#12 opened by JPEscher - 0
Whisper servername error
#11 opened by Rekho - 1
Strange behavior with font size/scale related to russian letters
#10 opened by addonaddict - 10
General (active) chat tab appearing after cut scenes even when set to fade out
#9 opened by addonaddict - 3
Error when I open guild tab
#8 opened by Verteron1 - 1
Lua errors on some occasions
#7 opened by Morwo01 - 1
Can you update for WoW Classic Season of Mastery please. Would be awesome, thanks a lot!
#6 opened by maximus210793 - 2
1.14.1 lua error
#4 opened by Slivo-fr - 2
3.9.3 not loading (Retail)
#3 opened by tflo - 1
Multiple nil and null errors on logging in with latest prat3 on TBCC
#2 opened by rainecheck