- 4
Mechanized Chest weekly
#321 opened by kylerichey - 1
Anniversary world bosses show as weekly lockouts, but are daily
#320 opened by Nulgar - 1
Refresh() failed to find instance
#319 opened by Ricky816845 - 1
See your characters last location on savedinstances
#318 opened by popje - 4
Donate link on curseforge doesn't work
#317 opened by popje - 1
SavedInstances: ERROR: Refresh() failed to find instance: Caverns of Tim - Anniversary : enUS : 2235
#315 opened by popje - 1
failed to find instance Caverns of Time - Anniversary : enUS : 22235
#314 opened by BigFire321 - 3
Classic support
#313 opened by marknuzz - 2
Feature req: Track daily/weekly kills on world rares that drop mounts
#312 opened by rodalpho - 3
pin specific quests
#310 opened by Beornwulf - 9
Siege of Orgrimmar - LFR Last Part "Downfall"
#308 opened by Snipy2k4 - 7
Darkmoon Faire quests not recorded
#307 opened by SpareSimian - 12
Nazjatar Pvp weekly, daily battle and daily crate tracking.
#306 opened by DeeRez - 1
Display Item level?
#305 opened by beevme - 1
Track Laboratory of Mardivas access / completion
#303 opened by Sipollo - 1
Hide non-saved max level characters
#302 opened by willov - 9
Developer level support for manually adding daily rares
#300 opened by jagaudet - 1
8.2 World Bosses
#298 opened by crusha015 - 0
Warfront.lua:165 attempt to concatenate local 'length' (a table value)
#296 opened by speedwaystar - 10
8.2.1 cannot record BFA alchemy transmute cooldowns
#294 opened by hshh - 2
"Terrasse des Magistères" not tracked properly
#293 opened by MartinBayard - 4
Ignore class trial characters
#292 opened by pquerner - 2
neck level on the tracker
#290 opened by mu-taka - 14
Add (better) tracking to timewalking
#289 opened by igorrebolj - 5
Cannot see in-game events when this addon is active
#287 opened by Sastron - 2
mousover line highlight issue
#286 opened by Alex-Miller - 2
\SavedInstances\Warfront.lua:86: attempt to index local 'curr' (a nil value)
#285 opened by Thrumbar - 6
Account level quests tracked as Character level
#284 opened by dragoforce5 - 1
warfront indicator (0/1) does not change on quest complete
#283 opened by Hemario - 1
Error after resetting WTF directory
#282 opened by zaldor29 - 6
Only show active warfronts
#281 opened by Hemario - 2
2 or more rows
#280 opened by itxski - 6
Progress.lua errors
#279 opened by Nillx - 10
#276 opened by Addonman - 2
[Feature Request] Change Motherlode dungeon name from MOTHER to ML
#275 opened by AndyxWood - 2
Add gold to main display table
#274 opened by denvamnts - 1
lua error on mouseover
#273 opened by Ayshela - 6
LUA Error Issue - #268
#272 opened by Evolutious - 1
Tooltip not showing and causing Error with 8.1.2
#271 opened by Serafno - 1
bug with latest version
#269 opened by Addonman - 3
LUA Error 8.1.2
#268 opened by Evolutious - 1
Critters of Draenor
#266 opened by Suggesti0ns - 3
Errors on load/tooltip/table
#265 opened by harl - 2
Error Progress
#264 opened by Lesyde - 0
Bonus loot frame cannot be disabled
#262 opened by Renacion - 1
Option to add character tooltip data to general tooltip
#261 opened by flatluigi - 2
Reset Time Wrong on EU Realm
#259 opened by behhNa - 2
LUA Gui error
#258 opened by amzeus1976 - 4
Lua Error when you unequipt Heart of Azeroth
#257 opened by Stanzilla - 1
Set Backdrop LUA error - please help
#256 opened by unleeshed