- 1
How to exclude trash items needed to buy Baubleworm pets?
#143 opened by ThrusterNYC - 1
flagging items
#144 opened by kacprzewski - 5
Grey item not sold
#146 opened by Slivo-fr - 2
Destroying items
#147 opened by Plusader - 2
wrong interface version in classic toc file
#145 opened by MyTechnoHunter - 5
Can't flag item as non junk
#148 opened by simsekb - 4
Junk/Useful tab not populating
#149 opened by PsyberWolf - 4
Hosting the addoon outside Curse
#150 opened by Floppy012 - 0
Scrap Merchant bugs out when using guild invite in game
#151 opened by lynspottery - 0
Possible to update scrap so it works with Onebag3? :)
#152 opened by kragziz - 2
- 0
Wrath of the Lich King Classic Support
#154 opened by sromeiro - 1
LUA errors
#155 opened by squish88 - 2
Error while opening shop
#156 opened by BorniPL - 7
Scrap's Junk/Useful tabs not displaying anything
#101 opened by javedbartlett - 13
Lua error with Shadowlands
#105 opened by Vachon8449 - 0
Autoselling no longer works
#106 opened by Daeveren - 0
Scrap prevents kicking people from guild
#107 opened by Serafno - 1
Low equipment sell doesn't work with ilvl squish
#108 opened by norecha - 1
Selling stuff that is not junk
#109 opened by Nephorax - 0
\AddOns\Scrap\addons\main\main.lua line 67: bad argument #1 to 'setmetatable' (table expected, got nil)
#110 opened by Dark-talon - 0
- 0
Coin not showing as visual rep
#112 opened by Priest4357 - 1
Wild Spirits autosold.
#113 opened by jantonio86 - 1
Update the addon
#114 opened by astrberg - 1
If you have a lot of junk, not everything will be sold
#115 opened by Vladimiir - 1
[WoW Classic] How do I unmark Hearthstone as Junk?
#117 opened by Buju77 - 0
Addon out of date
#118 opened by Zenzingten - 0
Icon border
#119 opened by GreyFoxGer - 0
Destroying items on vendor open is failing (Lua error)
#121 opened by KyrosKrane - 0
Selecting Options from Sell Junk button right-click window does not open Scrap options
#122 opened by KyrosKrane - 0
Junk items not displaying all items that get vendored immediately.
#123 opened by Zerophase - 0
Don't sell tradeable Epics
#124 opened by dieck - 0
profile list and or option to copy/delete created profiles
#125 opened by bleubie - 1
Error opening void storage
#126 opened by BradCOnGitHub - 0
[WoW Classic] [Scrap Cleaner] Addon not working
#127 opened by waytoomuchgaming - 1
Low/Unusable Items Not Being Marked as Junk
#128 opened by calebhughes - 0
Scrap Cleaner not going by vendor values
#129 opened by chaosblad3 - 0
TBC Classic: Scrap Options menu not loading
#130 opened by eccccco - 0
option : no tutorial
#131 opened by waytoomuchgaming - 1
[Classic ERA] sometimes, auto vendoring nut fully work
#132 opened by waytoomuchgaming - 2
[Classic ERA] lua error
#133 opened by waytoomuchgaming - 1
Enhance Scrap_Cleaner to add a button to delete the chosen item
#134 opened by b-morgan - 1
TBCC Scrap conflict with Arkinventory, already approached them about it and they are saying its a Scrap issue.
#135 opened by ByucknahTheRed - 1
[TBCC] Error on Login / ReloadUI
#136 opened by heyiamsven - 0
[Retail] Lua Error bad argument #1 to 'setmetatable' (table expected, got nil)
#137 opened by mathiasCabreraDev - 2
Need a way to ignore specific grey items without having them
#138 opened by BradCOnGitHub - 5
[TBCC] - Bad Argument 'DoesItemExist'
#139 opened by seagivens - 0
Closing the scrap tab using "X" bugs out UI
#141 opened by romdeau23 - 4
Removing items from lists
#142 opened by romdeau23