- 1
add styling of tooltip from addon OPie
#274 opened by frozn - 2
[WotLKC] Error when mousing over pets in pet journal
#263 opened by entroscopy - 6
lua error with battle pet tips enabled
#264 opened by Duderino84 - 1
10.2 Errors
#265 opened by WuhbGaming - 1
Issue with Macro Tooltips Display
#266 opened by kwonjt2001 - 4
Shaman color for SoD
#267 opened by hsramm - 2
Mouseover on hunter in Classic Season of Discovery error
#268 opened by Jeremy7600 - 1
[dev] frameForDelayedInspection:HookNotifyInspect has an incorrect check
#271 opened by Dairyman - 1
cannot click on Party Frames when TipTacTalents is enabled while playing SoD
#270 opened by frozn - 1
kill tracker for lifetime kills on players
#272 opened by frozn - 12
Player names are missing from tooltips
#273 opened by hollo6 - 1
option to change the color of the unit's faction text
#275 opened by frozn - 3
Faction text visible despite disabled
#276 opened by Zasz333 - 9
LUA error and tooltips not shown
#262 opened by hollo6 - 1
Icons within the Tooltip
#277 opened by DaleHuntGB - 1
I am getting multiple LUA errors all the time
#278 opened by rionshin - 7
Error when mousing over other players
#279 opened by Bronsin - 1
mythic plus score
#280 opened by aliniti - 1
HP text often cut off when using "Values & Percent"
#281 opened by 0xjc - 1
Collections bug/errors
#282 opened by AutolycusWolf - 1
LUA Errors on different tooltips
#283 opened by rionshin - 4
CPU spikes when mouse over certain types of items
#284 opened by Road-block - 1
TT Reborn is preventing Misidrection Helper 2 from showing
#285 opened by frozn - 4
Lua errors when clicking on icon by minimap
#286 opened by samfschulman - 1
Icon next to minimap doesn't stay put
#287 opened by samfschulman - 2
[Cataclysm Classic] ItemRef colored border not working correctly with toys
#288 opened by Kolmarwow - 1
TipTac does not load if it's the only addon enabled.
#289 opened by Kolmarwow - 1
[Cataclysm Classic] Show Spell ID & Rank shows Spell ID & random stuff
#290 opened by Kolmarwow - 1
Tooltips for player characters no longer display when using TRP3
#291 opened by frozn - 1
tooltip background issue with broker addon "Profession Cooldown" in addon "Titan Panel"
#292 opened by frozn - 2
Adding a profile sharing function with importing and exporting settings
#293 opened by frozn - 3
Spell Tooltips conflict with elvui
#294 opened by maisonaustyn - 1
Breaking Rendering of Addon Bulk Mail Inbox
#295 opened by polocabbit - 1
Show Average Item Level and Show Talents does not work when used with DHUD in Cata
#296 opened by frozn - 2
scale of tooltip too small
#297 opened by blecaplol - 1
problem with the size of the tooltip with long title set and showing only the name
#298 opened by frozn - 1
TipTacItemRef/ttItemRef.lua:2695: attempt to index upvalue 'TT_ExtendedConfig' (a nil value)
#299 opened by TheHalfYeti - 2
enabled anchor override for world unit in combat isn't directly applied if entering combat
#300 opened by frozn - 2
Minimap icon shows up after a /reload
#311 opened by MaximusPM - 1
Guildname is missing the realmname
#312 opened by tasimi - 4
Bars (health or Mana) flashing when unit hovered is dead/OOM
#313 opened by Xarano-GIT - 1
Needs to update to new GetMouseFocus API
#301 opened by WanderingFox - 2
11.0 LUA error and wrong tooltip position
#303 opened by hollo6 - 1
Error without functionality
#305 opened by Zasz333 - 1
Error without functionality #2
#306 opened by Zasz333 - 1
Error without functionality #3
#307 opened by Zasz333 - 3
Lua error when in pet battles
#308 opened by Rebel-Kat - 3
Error occurs when mousing over a combat pet's action bar
#309 opened by njmorf - 2
ttItemRef.lua:800: attempt to call global 'GetSpellBookItemInfo' (a nil value)
#310 opened by Ookami313 - 4
Bartender4 Related Issue
#314 opened by Spiderkeg