World of Warcraft
13,779 Mods
ElvUI Profile [Somil Ui]
0 InstallsMy Favorite Profile.
Interface Tank OddWave Clean UI
0 InstallsClean Elvui UI for Every tank ! Contact via discord : OddWave#3281 or Battle.net OddWave#2926 ! Stream on https://www.twitchtv/oddwave1995 For the Weak Auras you can check Afenar on Wago.io He did it for every classes
0 InstallsLazy
Ave UI v2
0 InstallsClean UI for DDs and Tanks! Visit me on Twitch www.twitch.tv/aivee
AC - All Classes - ElvUi 2-27-2020
0 InstallsJust a simple profile for all classes.
0 InstallsHi, I share with you my UI that i play for almost every Class ingame. If you have any Questions about it, ask me in my Twitch Chat (https://www.twitch.tv/aivee). HAVE FUN =)
Scorpius Tank Ui
0 InstallsWHATS HAPPENING YALL! This is my main Tanking/Dpsing UI for WoW Retail. If you wanna join our community or if you have any questions join us live @ twitch.tv/scorpius_ent or join our Discord Server ->...
Peachii's Healing ElvUI
0 InstallsHealing UI with unit frames in the middle for easy healing♡ WAs used in screenshot: Resto Druid UI Shadowlands Growl-Reich - https://wago.io/fLfSTmGOg Resto Druid Cursor combo - https://wago.io/cursorcombo ElvUI Plugins used: BenikUI, Shadow&Light
HenkUI - Healing
0 InstallsSuggested Addons for this profile; Details! damage Meter profile: Deadly Boss Mods profile: All Henkui profile links:
Baldalor's Casual DPS UI
0 InstallsClean UI I personaly use for leveling and casual content. Also requires: - Kui Nameplates (Optional, but recommended) - ElvUI mMediaTag - Details (Or any other meter of your preference) - DynamicCam (Optional) - Big...
Jewel's ElvUI + Shadow and Light
0 InstallsRe-did my UI using Shadow and Light to prepare for Dragonflight. You will need to download ElvUI, Shadow and Light, and AddonSkins. I have it listed as being for healers since I heal 95% of...
ElvUI DPS/Tank 3440x1440 Resolution ( Widescreen )
0 InstallsNeeded Addons ElvUI ElvUI LuckyoneUI ElvUI BetterTalentFrame ( Optional ) AddOnSkins ProjectAzilroka Details ( Optional ) ElvUI AdiBags ( Optional ) Plater ( here is my Plater Profile https://wago.io/Ktkst1_C- ) This Profile is Optimized for...
Clean and Simpel
0 Installssomething i made and enjoy, and wanted to share
WW Monk ElvUI Profile (by Фаррия-Дракономор)
0 InstallsElvUI Profile optimized for my weakauras suite (https://wago.io/V1X49Q7NM#)
Unlaern DPS Profile ElvUI [ v.1 ]
0 InstallsThis is based off of Multi functional Druid ElvUI - BFA 8.0.1 [ https://wago.io/rkoAthmrX ] Boozkin [ https://wago.io/p/Boozkin ] has done an amazing job with this profile so give him some love. All credit goes...
melee DPS profile
0 InstallsThe bar that goes across the top with the time is not Elvui that is another addon called Xiv bar you can get it from curse.
BigP Center Profile
0 InstallsVery clean profile
Buffet´s Tank/dd Layout Retail SL
0 InstallsThis Layout is Inspired By the Old XanUI. Minimap Buttons are from ProjectAzilroka. Enjoi.
Quazii's Profile with my edit.
0 InstallsUploaded for personal use if I switch pc's. Public if someone else is interested I use: - Windtools for ElvUI - Nuts&Bolts for ElvUI - AddOnSkins for ElvUI Original creator https://www.twitch.tv/imquazii
Dahrey's ElvUI Layout
0 InstallsThis layout utilizes many addons but they are all ElvUI addons. I will list them later today when I have time to make an up to date list. The old layout was out of date...