World of Warcraft
13,779 Mods
AmroUI - DPS/Tank UI for Shadowlands.
0 InstallsAn Elvui edit designed for Tank and DPS classes. Unitframes are hidden when out of combat to keep the UI clean. This UI works well for all classes except healers. I am working on a...
EzReaper Easy Elvui Profile
0 Installseasy and simple.
My ElvUI - Imagine Naming a Config File
0 InstallsIt's an ElvUI profile, makes it all pretty and stuff. I'd suggest you just check the screenshots. Oh and should any Twitch streamers decide to use this, I expect you to share this profile with...
Chiarä's ElvUI - All Classes
0 InstallsMy own personal ElvUI. If you have any questions please feel free to message me on discord at: Chiarä#2378 Hope you like it!
BrenajjUI - Edit of KivUI
0 InstallsCheck out my stream at www.twitch.tv/brenajj
0 InstallsInstallation: ElvUI standard install, then apply this profile + private profile if required Import plater profile and apply Import weakauras profiles and apply Best played at 1440p, 0.6 scale. recommended addons: ElvUI, Addonskins, Plater, weakauras...
ElvUI Profile
0 InstallsThis is my first elvui interface edit. i hop u can enjoy it. and sry for my bad english xD
Troublehunter UI
0 InstallsMinimalistic UI ------------------------ Details: https://pastebin.com/EtdhYKET
DPS/TANK 9.1 Shadowlands
0 InstallsConfiguracion basica para DPS y Tanques. Shadowland 9.1 Requisitos: 1. Elvui 2. Merathilis
Shadowlands ElvUI profile | YoGeny | DPS/Tank/Heal
0 InstallsA clear and beautiful UI.
Aeton profile
0 InstallsDPS - Tank simple profile
TheBigfish ElvUI Profile
0 InstallsAllrounder UI
Tank Elvui
0 InstallsPerfect Ui for all tanking classes Builed for 2560x1440 minitor , but u can easily use it on all monitors Weak auras used ***druid weak auras *** https://wago.io/h4mziDmlB https://wago.io/-0unwVxio https://wago.io/ilD_OMNm- https://wago.io/gmtcdzEn8 https://wago.io/ZtTyIhDJu ***paladin weak auras...
VivendaUI - Tank und Melee DPS
0 InstallsYou need Benik UI
ERR404 | DPS/Tank
0 InstallsMy personal ElvUI profile for damage dealing and tanking. Not suitable for healing. Required: ElvUI BenikUI ProjectAzilroka AddonSkins Shadow & Light MerathilisUI WeakAuras2 ERR404Media - Contains the fonts used in the UI and sound files...
Braxiss' ElvUI
0 InstallsClean minimal ElvUI. I use https://wago.io/SJ8NuI5G7 WA for bleed/CD tracking so depending on class/spec find a WA Import suitable to you. Actionbars on mouseover.
Buffet´s Tank/DD ElvUI Layout
0 InstallsMy Tank/DD Layout. You need to Install MerathilisUI to get the same look. Check out my Healer Layout. https://wago.io/t-MlqT2Qh
Nemesies's Clean ElvUI
0 InstallsHidden Bars, clean format, good text. For nameplates I use a plater profile. It's my first UI that in uploaded.
Honkus UI
0 InstallsJust my personal elvui profile Icons are epix for Masque Afenars weakauras Glass is the chat addon I use
ElvUI DPS and Tanking profile
0 InstallsThis is my profile and I use it for every class and spec. -> Addons that I use and work with ElvUI: Quartz Plater WeakAuras Details ClassicNumbers BigWigs AdiBags ElvUI nMediaTag Kringels MediaTags for some...