World of Warcraft
13,775 Mods
[9.0.1] Jaydee Healer Elvui Profile
0 InstallsThese are my Rshaman Weakauras + Elvui profile (SL is still in beta and this can get changed/updated [8/30/2020]) Updated: 10/4/2020 - New text fonts & glows. Added new Earth shield/water shield missing text. Changed...
Heal UI Shadowlands
0 InstallsThis is my first attempt for my new Main going into Shadowlands. Weakaura: https://wago.io/oWjIFFPjD Vuhdo Group: https://wago.io/HZFbnNiT- Vuhdo Mythic Raid: Vuhdo Raid up to 30: The Mana orb was not created by me but can...
Linghzao's Monk Heal ElvUI Profile - ARDA - BFA 8.1.5
0 InstallsYou need ElvUI and ElvUI Shadow&Light as well for this profile. Other addons I use: Details! WeakAuras2 HealBot ConRo + ConRo Monk AstralKeys MethodDungeonTools Bigwigs + Littlewigs Cecile_Quicktalents H.H.T.D. OmniCC WorldQuestTracker
Danayoz Healer Elvui
0 InstallsMinimalistic Elvui profile inspired by Lyaria from Pieces, Action Bars are supposed to be hidden, they are up just for the leveling and learning purpose Matching WA updated Addons required: Elvui, XIV databar, Masque with...
Abinn Monk ElvUI Profile
0 InstallsMonk ElvUI Profile
eTron Healing UI for Shadowlands (Private Settings)
0 InstallsADDONS NEEDED ARE LISTED BELOW! You can find my DPS UI for Shadowlands here: https://wago.io/-zW0K_W9B Install guide: 1. Install this string: https://wago.io/bIdR8sFK7 2. Install this string AFTER the profilestring. https://wago.io/YpmqOZ5B1 3. Use Action bar 1,...
Grisanne Healer UI
0 InstallsCentralized UI for healing. Bars 2 and 3 are hidden for keybindings if you prefer to keep your binds out of sight.
PedRuN | Priest | Healer preset
0 InstallsAddons: 1) rFov (Black borders) - https://www.wowinterface.com/downloads/info14943-rFov.html *edit World of Warcraft\_retail_\Interface\AddOns\rFov\rFov.lua --config values local mytop = 30 local mybottom = 88 2) XIV bar - https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/xiv_databar
ElvUI Profile - General Healer
0 InstallsClean and slick general Healer Profile with enough space for alot of stuff. Pré configured with enough space for Luxthos weakauras of your class in between the player and target unitframe. You might want to...
ElvUI Healing
0 Installsfor some WA i use them from https://wago.io/p/Afena
Emily's healing profile
0 InstallsFor extra features please use Windtools +click links for ui screenshot+ https://gyazo.com/0fa523aef0d30c495891d5cf17a3e059
Simplistic & clean (Heal) by Bartys
0 InstallsClean ELVui profile , made with healing in mind and for possible use without VuhDo etc. Made for everyone who wants to see everything but doesnt want to lose the ElvUI functions that we all...
Alarius's ElvUI Profile [Healer]
0 InstallsAll of my ElvUI configs make use of Shadow & Light and AddOnSkins, some bar textures and fonts from SharedMedia.
0 InstallsSet UI Scale to 0.65 ask for other WA in my UI. WA: Druid: https://wago.io/NKwpXIrK2 Shaman: https://wago.io/-MFl9dSWt Pala: https://wago.io/pXDy9Q1hb Monk: https://wago.io/_2dG-7Dzd Priest: https://wago.io/jQjVN8tNV
Heal - Moderne Clean
0 InstallsFonctionne avec l'extension Unitframe Custom Tags pour avoir des tags qui disparaissent quand full : https://www.tukui.org/forum/viewtopic.php?f=8&t=22 Exports des Addons : Details - Ascendant : https://pastebin.com/neVVS0KA
Xigo Elvui healing profile
0 InstallsThis is my healer profile, and should work with any healing classes. I'm not playing healer very much so this profile couln't be optimal. My resolution is 1920x1080 and the main font is "Action Man"....
ElvUI Profile - Heal v3
0 InstallsMy ElvUI profile for healing. Player & target frames are in the traditional upper left corner since that leaves more room in the middle of the screen for seeing bad stuff on the ground and...
Buffet´s Healer ElvUI Layout
0 InstallsMy Healer Layout. You need to Install MerathilisUI to get the same look. Check out my Tank/DD Layout. https://wago.io/ABJ9apar9
ElvUI Profile
0 InstallsThis is my default ui for dps or tank.
9.0.5 Hunter Elvui Setup
0 InstallsA setup I've made this past year that helps me keep track of where all my garbage is bound. The main bar is spells bound to my gamepad, and the right is spells bound to...