World of Warcraft
13,775 Mods
0 InstallsMinimalistic and efficient ElvUI profile designed to show only the information you need. The paladin auras in the screenshot are below. EtzanUI - Retribution Paladin Base 8.0.1: https://wago.io/SkW9GYgDm EtzanUI - Retribution Paladin CC's 8.0.1: https://wago.io/H1ocNKxDQ...
ElvUI Warrior Fury
0 InstallsThis ElvUI Profile it's a little variation from Ipse's profile, whit what i think its more comfortable for raiding
Shougi - ElvUi Profile DPS
0 InstallsHang out with me on Twitch: djaziirtv
Cult ElvUI
0 InstallsElvUI profile primarily for healing specs MW WA's here Grid2 Import https://pastebin.com/ADDP4DTL BigWigs bar skin is QuseUI Detail's skin is Ipse's with a different font AddOns: ElvUI BigWigs Details! Masque (Elegance) Plater WeakAuras Grid2
ElvUI Profile Clean Healer
0 InstallsElvui profil with Merathrills plug in, u can also use this profil without plug in.
Healer Cast
0 InstallsElvUI Profile
ElvUI Volcanosgamez Heal Layout
0 InstallsElvUI Profile
Etchtys Healer Ui
0 InstallsA ui that is a mix of elvui and kgpanels Kgpanels String: https://pastebin.com/3pfJ2DAE
[Leveling] Visible Action Bar Profile
0 InstallsAll of my addon profiles, weakauras, and listed addons can be found at: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1DBU4d7N14vjvyOsglactNeyTxWwjkvLQ0yaER4NomHo/edit?usp=sharing
Drimbrez Tank/DPS Elvui Profile
0 InstallsMy Elvui Profile for Tank and DPS Weakauras can be found at https://www.twitch.tv/naowh
ElvUI Profile
0 InstallsMy ELVUI settings for myself to save it in case of…whatever
0 InstallsUsed together with my WA's
0 InstallsHi all! Its My Personal Profile for DPS or Tanking UI Scale 0.64 https://www.youtube.com/c/MrBoncetv https://www.twitch.tv/mr_bonce https://discord.com/invite/y8aSmBP
Basic Tank Elvui
0 Installsbasic tank elvui setup
ElvUI Profil : Ellie (tank)
0 InstallsOn me l'a demandé, voici mon interface ElvUI en tant que tank ! Attention, je rappelle que je ne suis pas main tank.
ElvUI Profile - Tank
0 InstallsCreated by Syseria Use with this plater nameplate: https://wago.io/ISshwnq2y
wise man vigi's essential m+ #2
0 Installsversion 3 updated to: https://wago.io/5BO3Omy5F ================================== based on top of hyperion's 2R, suited for tanking/melee dd/healing, i bestow upon you a work of endless fixes and tweaks, which is vigi's essential ui. this is version...
Jylque - Heal UI - 2.0 - DPS/Tank supported (2560 x 1080 resolution)
0 InstallsSimple UI that is targeted for Healer use, but can be used for any Role There will be no Player frame available. Party frame is always enabled when alone. The centre buttons are used as...
REA BFA Profile
0 InstallsNeed ElvUI, Shadow and Light, AddonSkins. I use this profile for Raid. I will see more area with profile. Support multiscreen mode
Elvui DD UI Shadowlands
0 InstallsUpdated UI for Shadowlands, DD and Tankspec