World of Warcraft
13,775 Mods
wise man's vigi essential m+ #4
0 Installsversion #4, freshest, sexiest. added top action bar for few skills i wanna keep an eye on [mostly cc with cooldowns] and some party/raidframe upgrades [debuff trackers, boss debuff indicators, resourcebar for partyframe] now has...
0 Installs5-25-22 update
Tank Profile for ElvUI (4k)
0 Installsthis is a tank profile for elvui, needs shadow & light + addonsins plugins, party is close to buttons so you can see it at all times ( if someone gets agro ) used https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/kaliels-tracker...
Grisanne Healer ElvUI
0 InstallsCentralized UI for healing. Actionbars 2 and 3 are hidden for keybindings, or spells could be bound to the visible bars in the lower right corner.
Gorthezar's Basic Healer UI
0 InstallsJust my basic healer set up. I tend to only heal so I run this set up for pretty much everything.
Clean minimalistic ElvUI - Jainafapmore
0 InstallsClean UI based on Gurzen's with some modifications Addons on screen (in combat): -GottaGoFast (Keystone objectives and timer) -Kui Nameplates -AddonSkins -ElvUI -ElvUI CustomTags -ElvUI Shadow & Light -ElvUI SkullflowerTP (Texture: Skullflower1) -BigWigs -Details profile...
Leroy's CLEAN ElvUI | 8.3 | ALL CLASSES
0 InstallsI decided to remake my ui, so i looked around for some inspiration and came up with this one. Addons used: Elvui Details AddonSkins Elvui raidmarkers Masque Hekili Weakauras
Multi-Class ElvUI Profile / Apollyonh - Twisting Nether
0 InstallsThis ElvUI profile has a "mouse-over" bar at the right side, which i am using for things like professions, toys, macros, … The group frames are at the bottom - above the actionbars. The raid...
0 InstallsElvUI import for my UI: https://www.wowinterface.com/downloads/fileinfo.php?id=24396 Has raid frames and party frames disabled as I use the normal Blizzard ones with custom texture. Any questions/Concerns go to the wowinterface page and ask any there.
My universal ElvUi Profile
0 InstallsIf you got any suggestions how to improve it or you want to change something and don't know how to do it, feel free to let me know, I appreciate any feedback The screenshots above...
Elvui OddWave Tank UI
0 InstallsHello everyone !! That's my new TANK UI !! Using Elvui and Elvui Shadow & Light ! You've to be sure to got S&L for got it ! Created by Oddwâve-Archimonde. Leave a like or...
JrockGames BFA DPS elvui Profile
0 InstallsBasic Clean Dps UI for all specs that dps, not very good for healing though due to raid frames
ElvUI Profile - MaUI v4 Heal
0 InstallsSpecial features Mouse over group number display Groups Health changes between Max and Percent display Level changes to resting in the city Classes are fully written Deathcounter for Units Deathicons mDock Game menu and professions...
SL - Brewmaster - Minimalist UI
0 Installs*DISCLAIMER* Features a lot of invisible UI bars in the top left of the screen. Designed for use with Minimalist Brewmaster WeakAura Package on profile.
Elvui Oihu
0 InstallsElvUI Profile
''Minimalistic'' ElvUI profile
0 InstallsMinimalistic ElvUI, all action bars, nameplates, unitframes is all hide.. but if u click on the target all be visible at 100% Ill use this for all my characters. I see only neccesary frames like...
Mr kamikaze
0 InstallsDungeons Rio & class : https://wago.io/Gcg8JX3ou Panels : https://wago.io/qjSjo5CeJ M+ !keys : https://wago.io/YS3UovEh2 Auto Accepts your Que : https://wago.io/JoLCF2gE_
ElvUI Profile - Tulkren
0 InstallsWeak auras included: (Please give respect the the creators) Fury https://wago.io/BJqUUcobz Monk https://wago.io/ryAyq5tb7
Arywynn Tank/Stream UI
0 InstallsMy Stream UI. 1 photo shows it on a standard 27 in monitor and the 2nd photo shows how it looks on my 34 in Ultrawide.
Shuk Ui
0 Installs<--------BE AWARE THAT I USE A 2560x1440 MONITOR AND MY UI IS BASED ON MY RESOLUTION--------> This is a dps and tank ui with the middle part between the player and target frames are weak...