World of Warcraft
13,276 Mods
M+ Colored Mobs
18.8k InstallsColors important mobs for m+ Updated for Shadowlands (first pass) - Thanks to GoldenDrakon for the initial unit list! - dark blue: most important mobs, usually focus targets (regular interrupts / stuns needed, etc.) -...
Smart Name Shortener
12.3k InstallsThis Plater mod is designed to shorten names when needed, while also keeping it as readable and elaborate as possible. Tested with Cyrillic characters and seems to work, please report when it doesn't and which...
Extra Quest Icon
42.7k InstallsShow an extra icon if the unit is a part of a quest you're current doing. You may adjust the location of the icon in the Constructor. How to Install: - Copy the string and...
Interrupt not ready Cast Color + Custom Cast Color
59.5k InstallsSets the cast bar color to the specified one if your interrupt spell is not ready. Uses other Plater color settings otherwise or the custom cast colors from the options. Adds a configurable castbar spark...
Priority based scaling
15.1k InstallsAllows you to scale a creatures nameplate based on its importance in the dungeon. You might want to adjust scaling values! Check custom options. (Modding tab -> Options) See third picture if you want to...
Enhanced Enemy Castbar - Dragonflight
7.8k InstallsEnhanced Enemy Castbar a mod for Plater. Enhanced Enemy Castbar is a Plater mod that provides 3 new features to enemy cast bars. Each feature can be enabled/disabled separately with additional options to change how...
Healer Indicator
18.5k InstallsAdd a cross icon into the nameplate of healers. Must have Details! Damage Meter installed. How to Install: - Copy the string and go into the Modding tab on Plater options panel. - Click the...
Steal/Purge Aura Glow
31.3k InstallsAdds a glow to the aura if you can steal or purge the buff. For glow options, please check or LibCustomGlow documentation.
Ethric's Arrow Target indicators
30.3k Installs10 Plater Arrow Target indicators Download textures: - [Mirror]- Instructions: -Extract the file to \World of Warcraft\_retail_\Interface\AddOns\SharedMedia_MyMedia [If there is no SharedMedia_MyMedia file then download the SharedMedia Addon or just create the folder - A...
Simple Border on Target
13k InstallsAdd a border around the current target. Border color and thickness can be set in the Constructor. How to Install: - Copy the string and go into the Modding tab on Plater options panel. -...
Quest Progress with Icon and Counter
10.2k InstallsAdds an icon and text indicator for quest progress to show how many times the objective has to be completed or the remaining progress. This is a combination of the mods ( and ( with...
Double Arrow Target *working update of
34.4k InstallsAdds double arrow as a target indicators option: go to /plater -> modding -> import and paste the string, /reload, /plater -> target -> target bracket indicator -> double arrows
Revan's Target Indicators
27.3k InstallsAdds more options to Target indicator. Customizable color/opacity, size and positioning (options menu). CUSTOM INDICATOR TEXTURES: INSTALL INSTRUCTIONS: Exit game. Download and extract the .tga images to World of Warcraft/_retail_/Interface/ICONS folder. (If the folder...
M+ MDT MobPercentage - Mythic Dungeon Tools M+ percentage on Plater NamePlates
5.7k InstallsShows the m+ mob percentage on the nameplate. REQUIRES MDT "Method Dungeon Tools" TO WORK! Size, color, position and shown information can be configured in the constructor. Available as WA as well: How to...
Abbreviated Names
47.9k InstallsAbbreviates names on nameplates. I am new to custom coding stuff in Plater so if something is messed up try to give me a detailed description and I'll check back here periodically. How to Install:...
Last Name Only
36.6k InstallsShow Last Name only. added First name only for "gonks-aspect", "kimbuls-aspect", "akundas-aspect".
Absorb Shields in Healthbar
58.1k InstallsAdds absorbs to the health bar as full health value.
Color Change by Target Marker
34.8k InstallsChange the nameplate color to the raid mark color, and change it back when mark removed.
Force Threat Color
58.3k InstallsWhile in tank spec, force the threat color from the Threat/Aggro tab if the mob isn't attack you. While in dps/healer spec, force the threat color from the Threat/Aggro tab if the mob is attack...
Advanced Cast Icon
48.2k InstallsMove the icon of the spell cast to the left or right side of the nameplate. Also add options to hide the icon or the border frame. All settings available in the constructor: --show cast...