Kerbal Space Program
2,280 Mods
[.90] Civilian Population v1.1
18.1k DownloadsAdds the concept of a civilian population to Kerbal Space Program
IXS Class 1.0 for Stock-KSP
16.5k DownloadsA version of the NASA IXS Class for base game KSP
Sequencer for Infernal Robotics
16.2k DownloadsWith this mod you can create and play sequences of servo movement commands and special commands, like GoTo, Toggle ActionGroup, Delay and Wait.
Flexo's SpaceX Interplanetary Transport System
16k DownloadsA mod for Kerbal Space Program
15.3k DownloadsKrakenScience
IXS Command Module 1.0
15.2k DownloadsThe Standalone NASA IXS Enterprise Command Module/Cockpit. Requiring no mods.
Pteron (PMSRV)
14.2k DownloadsMicro Shuttle and Rescue Vehicle for three (3) kerbals for Kerbal Space Program. This is not a SSTO.
Kerbalised Soyuz Mod
14k DownloadsKerbalised Soyuz Mod
MK-1 Stockalike open cockpit (inline external seat)
13.9k DownloadsIf you built rocket from vintage Sci-Fi comics or just a biplane, this things make it better
13.7k DownloadsIt's a satellite, in a box!
Antennas (ANTS)
13.7k DownloadsAdditional Antennas for Remote Tech, Antenna Range and Telemachus(v 1.2)
Athlonic Electronics / LCD - Launch CountDown
12.8k DownloadsUpgrade your KSP stock TT18-A Launch Stability Enhancer (aka launch clamp) with a countdown feature.
James Webb For Kerbal
12.1k DownloadsJames Webb Space Telescope For Kerbal
AI & Weapon Manager For All
12k DownloadsAdds the AI Pilot & Weapon Manager from BDArmoury to all stock aircraft pods
ICBM Parts
11.6k Downloads2.5 and .625m ICBM parts.
Kerbal Historical Institute presents Original KSP Parts
11k DownloadsOriginal KSP Parts
(.90) Stanford Torus 0.6.1
10.9k DownloadsBuild a stanford torus and the infrastructure to support it
Next Star Industries
10.7k DownloadsHuge parts mod adds over 400 parts currently and growing.
Kerbal Spacedock 1.0
10.5k DownloadsThree spacedocks to help build the shipyards of your dreams without the insane part count destroying your framerate!
[0.24.2] Taverio's Pizza & Aerospace
10.2k DownloadsStock spaceplane part rebalance & additions