- 1
Fake join/quit methods for vanish plugins to use
#426 opened by Uhevela - 8
Force users to link Discord
#427 opened by DARG367 - 1
Message Configuration
#428 opened by Osybear - 3
Request: Automatically Sync MC Whitelist with Discord Role
#433 opened by equilateral - 2
Request: Disable Emojis for Discord -> Minecraft
#434 opened by VeeExEight - 1
DiscordSRV Bot not read messages from another bot
#435 opened by PanSzelescik - 2
Silent Join and quit permission remove
#439 opened by Victor75007 - 2
Default value of PrintGuildsAndChannels & user privacy
#440 opened by bepvte - 13
Chatty support
#441 opened - 1
problem in my main channel
#443 opened by EnderGriefeur99 - 1
Link does not exist?
#444 opened by EsGibtKeineMitte - 3
The bot can ping everyone and roles on discord
#447 opened by Jonasslv - 2
Doesn't work?
#448 opened by XeaneBot - 1
Messages show in console but not in-game
#445 opened by 0xlunar - 5
Unlink Roles - Give role on unlink.
#446 opened by w1nst0nDEV - 3
Feature request: discord nick to minecraft nick.
#452 opened by zeuzi - 3
Connection error or unfound files
#449 opened by PianoRailways - 4
Unable to catch first couple players joining
#450 opened by sammypanda - 5
(1.16.7) server warn
#454 opened by Cronosus - 3
Plan integration error.
#457 opened by RikoDEV - 5
Feature request: better webhooks
#455 opened by zeuzi - 3
Feature: Join/leave and server status message go to multiple channels rather than just the Main one
#456 opened by Kenix3 - 11
java.lang.IncompatibleClassChangeError and errors
#461 opened by ShawnClake - 1
Sync minecraft rank to discord rank
#462 opened by zackeek - 3 Illegal key size
#458 opened by jascotty2 - 6
1.16.8 Server crash
#459 opened by zeuzi - 1
Event listener exception
#464 opened by masonmanley - 2
Minecraft Chat => Discord Chat doesn't work
#465 opened by dsnsgithub - 8
Initialization/WARN]: java.lang.IncompatibleClassChangeError: Inconsistent constant pool data in classfile for class
#463 opened by alvarlagerlof - 1
#468 opened by mrnicedonovan - 1
[DiscordSRV] [JDA] There was an error in the WebSocket connection
#467 opened by Victor75007 - 0
DiscordSRV preventing server shutdown.
#470 opened by mia-riezebos - 5
Use Minecraft username for Discord -> MC when accounts are linked
#472 opened by jordanwilliams1 - 1
essentials ignore "Link"?
#473 opened by jordanwilliams1 - 1
"One of the eventlisteners had an uncaught exception" when writing message in discord chat
#474 opened by d-avery - 1
commands to use on discord
#475 opened by comonier - 1
Players cant logon after server startup.
#476 opened by comonier - 2
JDA stalls when setting status to invisible on shutdown
#477 opened by smellyonionman - 1
Crash on load: record_overflow
#478 opened by Sylvyrfysh - 1
Can't initialize on 1.14.1
#471 opened by coco0325 - 6
An option to disable channel topic updater
#480 opened - 1
Feature Request: Automatically updating messages with useful information, similar to the topic updater
#481 opened by NoManaSendHelp - 2
Updating bot status with online player count
#483 opened by EnderShadow - 0
Ignore server owner for role sync
#484 opened by Tim269 - 4
Properly blocking @everyone and @here
#485 opened by stefnotch - 3
Bot removes roles granted after account is successfully linked.
#486 opened by devinjdawson - 6
Suggestion - 2FA Feature
#487 opened by Duoquote - 1
Requester time out
#423 opened by EHAndrew - 3
UltimateChat does not work with DiscordSRV
#424 opened by MisterSheeple - 1
Suggestion - Embed support
#425 opened by leuit