- 1
[EssentialsX-2.19.7]Players cant use tpaccept command in 50% chance
#5142 opened by 778b - 0
Sulk sensors can detect vanish players
#5144 opened by crazycat256 - 2
Can't use /gamemode /home /tpa and so on
#5145 opened by 30266-Official - 0
EssentialsDiscord treats 5XX errors as misconfiguration
#5147 opened by Vap0r1ze - 1
Gradle building bug
#5152 opened by Alugor - 1
Vanilla Enchantments being removed?
#5153 opened by claegneander - 1
EssentialsX Chat won't let Chat work
#5156 opened by BlueMints000 - 3
/ptime and /pweather are doing their own things
#5163 opened by SiuanSong - 2
Fake players are being kick with essentials even when permissions are given to stop it
#5166 opened by Josh65-2201 - 2
EssentialsX Discord and DeluxeChat compatibility issues
#5169 opened by SemiMute - 20
Scary `Created a User for ...` message after switching (?) online-mode
#5170 opened by molor - 0
/whois returns an incorrect value for playtime. /playtime returns the correct value.
#5176 opened by Bobcat00 - 2
Issue with chat
#5178 opened by TH3N3WN00B - 3
[Essentials] You are running an unsupported server version!
#5180 opened by user4302 - 1
Error on shutdown 1.19.3
#5181 opened by MetallicGoat - 3
1.19.3 Spawner /give broken
#5189 opened by timr2000 - 5
Duplication Bug with essentials
#5190 opened by ZaneIcezMaster11 - 1
Duplicate playerdata
#5193 opened by icansc187 - 1
#5218 opened by rejomy - 17
Vanished Players Talking Kicks All Players
#5201 opened by BrandonT80 - 1
[BUG] Dupe using /hat in the new dev version
#5202 opened by thiagogebrimm - 1
rockets not working with fireworks
#5204 opened by NBS-Paste - 2
#5206 opened by icansc187 - 0
null error when performing /createkit command
#5207 opened by Obydux - 0
EssentialsX Spigot 1.8.8 /createkit error
#5208 opened by Obydux - 0
A problem with the /back
#5209 opened by VictimOfPing - 1
1.19.3 crash players via chat in vanish
#5210 opened by NikitaRTN - 1
/tpa payment is broken
#5211 opened by StKillReal - 1
kit equipe armor 1.19.3 bug
#5214 opened by thiagogebrimm - 2
Nuke tnt bug
#5219 opened by MrTokyo12345 - 3
Failed to get data for custom chart with id permsPlugin
#5225 opened by lorenzop - 3
currency-symbol-suffix breaks trade signs
#5226 opened by JareCoder - 2
Cannout use /mail sendall
#5227 opened by lostdusty - 1
/unignore alias of /ignore, is unexpected behaviour - possible ignore system overhaul?
#5228 opened by accLarson - 0
Console does not support decimal points when using /tppos
#5230 opened by baailey - 1
kit-auto-equip doesn't equip armor when serialized
#5232 opened by Evidentsinger14 - 6
Player kit receive event
#5234 opened by JHarris12345 - 1
vanish kick
#5235 opened by BranTheOtter - 0
Teleport permission bypass exploit when teleport delay is enabled
#5237 opened by TauCubed - 4
Can't overwrite warps using /setwarp
#5245 opened by RavenNevah - 1
ConcurrentModificationException intermittently occurring on logout
#5241 opened by HackuJacku - 0
Trade signs - EXPLOIT (another...)
#5242 opened by ySakite - 1
EssentialsX Discord doesn't support Paper chat events
#5243 opened by Envel-Nikita-Gutsenkov - 5
Essentials out of memory
#5246 opened by Sloterr - 4
In nether or end, cannot /home back to a home in the overworld at cloudlevel or above.
#5249 opened by amazingsoapx - 1
Log Discord -> Minecraft messages in console too
#5252 opened by BaxAndrei - 0
Essentials Discord inaccurate online count on quit messages
#5256 opened by TheCyberQuake - 5
Issue updating player prefixes, name colors and suffixes
#5257 opened by TinyMandalorian - 0
/recipe hand -> get recipe for an item in hand
#5259 opened by marlester-dev - 1
Items (Ingridients) in /recipe don't support NBT tags
#5261 opened by marlester-dev