- 10
Biome does not get reset with `/p delete`
#2509 opened by QuickWrite - 12
Update Folia support
#2297 opened by mani1232 - 0
Restricted Regions - Towny FAWE not between plots, plot boundary crossed to wilderniss
#2293 opened by DreiFxn - 3
//undo doesnt work with //walls
#2294 opened by EnvisagedMyron - 1
update #lighten and #darken
#2295 opened by EnvisagedMyron - 2
//undo //redo corrupts tile entities on 1.20
#2296 opened by ViaBackwards - 2
Schematics will load but when i paste them nothing will actually show up.
#2303 opened by VibrantColours - 4
Undoing a schematic with API does not ignore air blocks.
#2313 opened by derfurkan - 2
Not working on PaperMC 1.19
#2315 opened by MicroshiftDev - 2
Extinguish command doesn't work
#2317 opened by daniel-skopek - 1
The `/brush command` is broken.
#2318 opened by elteammate - 2
Generation of Minecraft features and structures
#2343 opened by StealthyExpertX - 11
/drain /fillr with water removes random chunks
#2319 opened by itinstructor - 7
Error when editing chunks without players
#2320 opened by emil-x - 1
Allow '%' pattern to be used without not entirely necessary [] bracing
#2321 opened by xdemoted - 4
structure blocks to fawe?
#2345 opened by Shadowfflare - 1
Random rotation to Brush Scatter
#2330 opened by EnvisagedMyron - 5
FAWE becomes unresponsive
#2332 opened by SecretlyJealous - 1
//generate with wrong octaves value of perlin noise infinitely causes EvaluationException (maybe upstream issue)
#2335 opened by Feniksovich - 1
P2 schematic height wrong if road height
#2337 opened by dordsor21 - 1
Extreme freakout when rolling back history
#2366 opened by Mirosinos - 1
FaweCache null pointer errors
#2348 opened by SecretlyJealous - 0
Cannot invoke "com.plotsquared.core.plot.Plot.getConnectedPlots()" because "plot" is null
#2349 opened by SecretlyJealous - 1
/mask is ignored by brush
#2350 opened by oxolotel - 1
Cannot invoke "com.sk89q.worldedit.util.formatting.text.Component.children()" because "component" is null
#2352 opened by SecretlyJealous - 0
Error on villager NBT
#2355 opened by dordsor21 - 1
Add timeout for update checking on startup
#2384 opened by noiverre - 6
Edits seemingly randomly stop working in newer 2.7.x
#2388 opened by MrJoshuaT - 1
Worledit not working
#2387 opened by skTanky - 1
Cannot invoke "com.fastasyncworldedit.core.queue.IChunkGet.getBlock(int, int, int)" because "chunk.chunkExisting" is null
#2371 opened by SecretlyJealous - 0
Failing on any block modification operation
#2370 opened by Adamiok - 0
Cannot invoke "com.fastasyncworldedit.core.util.ExtentTraverser.get()" because "processorExtent" is null
#2375 opened by SecretlyJealous - 3
Cannot invoke "java.nio.MappedByteBuffer.getChar(int)" because "this.byteBuffer" is null
#2376 opened by SecretlyJealous - 1
fawe have a delete bug with plotsquared
#2377 opened by FBDKPlus - 1
Using worldedit near containers clears its inventory leading to losing all the items inside.
#2378 opened by hahahaLdawdadd - 0
Cannot invoke "com.fastasyncworldedit.core.util.ExtentTraverser.get()" because "processorExtent" is null
#2379 opened by SecretlyJealous - 2
java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: Index 196 out of bounds for length 196
#2380 opened by SecretlyJealous - 1
FastAscynWorldEdit Use Inventory Doesn't Work
#2381 opened by akirawashere - 3
Cannot invoke "net.minecraft.nbt.NBTBase.b()" because the return value of java.util.List.get(int) is null
#2382 opened by Taiyou06 - 1
NBT on items in configuration file
#2383 opened by Woody7574 - 0
Using `//move` multiple times breaks object
#2393 opened by thomasmny - 3
Moving objects a certain distance leads to disfiguration
#2394 opened by thomasmny - 0
Overwrite entities when copy-pasting with entities enabled.
#2395 opened by LM-Wolfert - 2
//regen does not support BlockMetas such as skulls and banners
#2396 opened by nicolube - 0
Make //sel extend persist through sessions and restarts
#2397 opened by MinecraftAdmin - 1
Original entity will not be generated after undo
#2398 opened by GsTio86 - 2
Operation in a chunk that contains a Polygonal Worldguard region not working
#2399 opened by mAxYoLo01 - 3
Minehut with FAWE not working!
#2401 opened by wenusqueen - 4
Minehut with FAWE Still not working!
#2402 opened by wenusqueen - 7
Randomly crashs with FAWE - Cannot invoke "it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.longs.LongArrayList.getLong(int)" because "this.wrapped" is null
#2406 opened by Zzheyd