- 7
PacketEvent not cancelling
#897 opened by Benz56 - 0
Netty Exception on kick during handshaking
#896 opened by paulzhng - 0
EnumWrappers.ItemSlot legacy (1.8.8) id support
#895 opened by Janmm14 - 1
com.comphenix.protocol.reflect.FieldAccessException: No field with type net.minecraft.server.v1_16_R1.DimensionManager exists in class PacketPlayOutRespawn.
#893 opened by MrKorvic - 0
Cancelling STEER_VEHICLE packet
#892 opened by MrPotatoPotatoPotato - 0
Player's Glitching out and Invisible
#891 opened by not-3than - 3
IndexOutOfBounds Exception that soft bans players when using new nether movement mobs/enchants/items.
#890 opened by tkn0 - 10
NPE spam on 1.16.1
#887 opened - 2
[1.16.1] An illegal reflective access operation has occurred
#886 opened by mrfloris - 2
plz update to 1.16.1
#885 opened by Stoniasawsome - 1
Cannot resolve com.comphenix.executors:BukkitExecutors:1.1-SNAPSHOT
#884 opened by aematsubara - 1
V4.5.1 warning that 1.15.2 hasn't been tested, even though it has support
#883 opened by HandyHat - 4
REL_ENTITY_MOVE_LOOK causes exception on v1_13_R2 (1.13.2)
#882 opened by patrick-choe - 1
You cannot register objects without a watcher object!
#881 opened by abhithedev200 - 19
Support for 1.16
#880 opened by dmulloy2 - 3
FieldAccessException: No field with type java.util.Map exists in class EnumProtocol
#879 opened by mibby - 15
#878 opened by bobhenl - 0
Unable to intercept a read client packet
#877 opened by DarkKnights22 - 0
PacketAdapter: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: 'PROTOCOL-0' is already in use
#874 opened by BriceFab - 0
Scoreboard rank priority setting?
#872 opened by Swiftlicious - 2
Add Enum EntityPose.CROUCHING
#871 opened by TheCalypso - 0
1.14-1.15 teleport or chunk unload and load make player invisible to others.
#870 opened by scraft-official - 0
Sweep attack on swords doesn't work! (Paper 1.15.2)
#869 opened by nebula-a - 3
#868 opened by blakedj012 - 2
Plugin using Protocollib breaks vanilla and custom damages from other items
#867 opened by Kubson6969 - 1
ProtocolLib 4.5.1 Issue
#866 opened by Peebbong - 1
[Skin] How can I have relief on my skin (3D skin)
#865 opened by TheCalypso - 2
How to set the entity pose
#864 opened by moritzruth - 2
Setting VillagerData
#863 opened by lewysDavies - 3
Connection reset error
#861 opened by LoXR - 0
Protocolib error
#860 opened by PabloSS12 - 0
#859 opened by nebula-a - 1
ProtocolLib reports incorrect PacketType under CatServer (Bukkit-Forge hybrid server)
#858 opened by NewbieOrange - 2
Unable to intercept client packet
#857 opened by CenturaPVP - 7
Could not find entity trackers for CraftPlayer (IllegalArgumentException)
#856 opened by xtomyserrax - 1
Illegal Activity?
#855 opened by Appmeurtre - 3
WrappedBlockData.createData() Not working properly on Spigot1.12.2
#854 opened by MiniDay - 1
This error occasionally happens on my server but it doesn't allways happen
#853 opened by PenguThePenguin - 0
Little blank space before the text in a Holo
#852 opened by fede1132 - 0
Encountered a LinkageError
#851 opened by SensorialGlint6 - 2
WrappedDataWatcher#hasIndex too slow because of try/catch
#850 opened by MeGysssTaa - 3
EncoderException when sending packet
#849 opened by IM-IgniteDEV - 3
Players get kicked - IndexOutOfBoundsException
#848 opened by xtomyserrax - 3
ProtocolLib i can't use playerpipeline in my own plugin (add-before method)
#847 opened by KadirFFM - 1
SpigotMC has latest release at 4.5.0 not 4.5.1
#846 opened by libraryaddict - 2
Error in console
#845 opened by WaxMyEggplant - 5
Bad packets
#844 opened by Krazytrain - 9
LinkageError not caused by multiple instances
#843 opened by dusekdan - 22
No connection
#842 opened by Zezzin - 1
lost connection: Internal Exception: Broken pipe
#841 opened by Yoloman0013