- 0
Future proofing ProtocolLib for Java 11+ (replacing cglib with ByteBuddy?)
#947 opened by oddlama - 0
ProtocolLib is unable to intercept a read client packet when many players join my server at once.
#946 opened by awgybop1 - 0
Error when ProtocolLib is starting
#945 opened by DeJzer - 0
Console spamming when player join server on spigot1.16.2
#944 opened by dustindinh1412 - 0
EnderSkills packet problem
#943 opened by SSKirillSS - 0
Player Protocol Version
#942 opened by Benz56 - 1
1.16.2 MultiBlockChange
#941 opened by Huskehhh - 4
Error Message upon going to dev builds
#940 opened - 1
Invicible when morphong
#939 opened by zacraft - 2
Unable to download dev version. Link is broken.
#938 opened by Jonah75 - 3
Latest Dev Build site down
#937 opened by LadyHaley - 2
PacketPlayOutChat sends null when receiving a TextComponent / IChatBaseComponent
#936 opened by BingoRufus - 2
Fix backward compatibility of StructureModifier.withType
#935 opened by osipxd - 9
Writing to getDimension() no longer works as expected
#934 opened by jaypitti - 2
Send item pickup animation
#933 opened by iGabyTM - 1
WrappedChatComponent is null in some server chat packets
#932 opened by jaqobb - 1
[ProtocolLib] INTERNAL ERROR: Unable to intercept a read client packet. If this problem hasn't already been reported, please open a ticket at *** with the following data
#931 opened by xiao-peng-you - 3
PacketPlayOutPlayerInfo error, after updating
#930 opened by Tankonyako - 4
Modifications of cloned packets sometimes appear for other clients
#929 opened by bo3tools - 16
SuperVanish bug with Protocollib
#928 opened by Sansaup - 3
- 2
getEntityConverter() does not convert between NMS and Bukkit Entites
#926 opened by chrisliebaer - 2
Cannot get Bukkit entity from EntityEgg exception in WrappedDataWatcher.deepClone()
#925 opened by bo3tools - 2
Cannot modify merchant recipes in OPEN_WINDOW_MERCHANT packet
#924 opened by bo3tools - 2
Missing `String` constructor in `PacketPlayOutChat` causes EnumWrappers.initialize() to fail when "debug" and "detailed error" is enabled.
#923 opened by chrisliebaer - 1
CommandProtocol error
#922 opened by Corenb - 2
Exception being thrown with the plugin FastLogin
#921 opened by deiphiz - 4
Bug report for 1.16.1 ProtocoLib
#920 opened by LittleHed - 1
TranslatableComponent reserialization throws an exception
#919 opened by datatags - 1
#918 opened by blakedj012 - 2
Colored Scoreboard Teams 1.16
#917 opened by janLindner - 0
Encountered a LinkageError
#916 opened by Hyronymos-Old - 2
Maven builds are different from Jenkins / Source code and are missing important classes.
#915 opened by GBroad - 1
stack trace
#914 opened by RealNitrone - 2
Internal Exception: io.netty.handler.codec.EncoderException: java.lang.NullPointerException
#913 opened by dementisimus - 1
Bug report :( urgent
#912 opened by ImWinds - 4
Problem with UltraCustomizer
#911 opened by arturek1666 - 8
ProtocolLib console errors
#910 opened by atlasgong - 1
#909 opened by sktom1314 - 2
LinkageError on CatServer with OpenJ9
#908 opened by f0rb1d - 4
IllegalArgumentException on WorldTypeModifier of Respawn Packet
#907 opened by MrKorvic - 0
ResourceKey modifier for world object in respawn packet
#906 opened by games647 - 1
Cannot enable ProtocolLib
#905 opened by DeJayDev - 7
Invalid plugin.yml Paper 1.16.1
#904 opened by SirKratosAurion - 3
com.comphenix.protocol.reflect.FieldAccessException: No field with type net.minecraft.server.v1_16_R1.EnumDifficulty exists in class PacketPlayOutRespawn.
#903 opened by MrKorvic - 1
Problems with CombatLogX
#902 opened by NanoxGG - 1
Crash server
#901 opened by Incluuu - 2
Add TinyProtocol to maven repository.
#900 opened by andrew121410 - 2
#899 opened by copyandexecute - 3
[1.16.1] NullPointerException WARN when doing /summon
#898 opened by AndiSlash0723