- 0
Cables are duplicated when placing at feet
#6724 opened by westonbelk - 0
Too many items in the system, prevents items from showing up
#6725 opened by AzerJunior - 2
Support for Dark mode everywhere
#6726 opened by Sakreton - 7
Weird client crash when trying to write something while the search box text is selected
#6713 opened by SirEndii - 5
Inscriber does not cause Block Updates thus cannot work with Hoppers
#6718 opened by burdoto - 8
Server crashes when certain AE2 blocks are moved by Quark or Carpet pistons
#6719 opened by Random832 - 11
Please add the loot tables for the skystone chest back into the mod.
#6720 opened by purejosh - 6
Meteorite compass still points at harvested meteorites
#6721 opened by burdoto - 6
IC2Classic is out
#6722 opened by Speiger - 3
Crash with REI
#6765 opened by Sunekaer - 0
[from discussion in Discord] Make charger not sided for cables (except the front face)
#6767 opened by Sea-Kerman - 2
[from discussion in Discord] add input filtering to inscriber
#6768 opened by Sea-Kerman - 1
Fabric 1.18.2
#6769 opened by SaffireLeviathan - 4
#6770 opened by NordicGamerFE - 3
Remove cable pathing between providers and interfaces.
#6727 opened by Kevin-Marsh - 1
Ae2 vacuum block
#6728 opened by EnderProyects - 2
Recipe to upgrade crafting storage
#6729 opened by rladenson - 3
issue with JEI
#6733 opened by Toinou18 - 1
Getting Crash
#6730 opened by Daihok41 - 2
Requesting compatibility with IndustrialCraft's EU/t, which was just recently updated to 1.19
#6731 opened by Maoman1 - 0
ME Storage Bus Bugged with multiple similar unstackable items with same ID inserted
#6732 opened by James103 - 0
Please add an ME Toilet! I really gotta go, BADLY!
#6734 opened by AppliedPlumbing2 - 4
Minecraft crash after clicking any title screen button
#6735 opened by Jmooroof - 6
Newest update causes issues with flux networks
#6736 opened by adamkad1 - 2
Keep the item ID and name consistent
#6740 opened by EvanHsieh0415 - 6
Strange display/sort issue with Storage Bus
#6737 opened by MuteTiefling - 3
Sort by Item Type
#6738 opened by MuteTiefling - 0
Memory card does not copy extra settings from pattern providers
#6739 opened by Mecr0mage - 1
The conflict between Applied Energetics 2 and OptiFine (HD_U_H9) causes the game to fail to start.
#6741 opened by EMikily - 4
Hide fluid inventory of interfaces when using The one Probe
#6742 opened by Sakreton - 4
Why there is no Certus Quartz Ore in version 1.19.2
#6744 opened by EMikily - 0
Shift-click insertion into the pattern access terminal
#6743 opened by bcmpinc - 1
Misstake in spanish translate
#6745 opened by jarocajavi - 0
Feature Request: Annihilation Plane compatibility with the Bedrock Ores mod
#6747 opened by Raidobw2 - 3
appliedenergistics2 for forge in minecraft 1.18.2 requires beta versions of Just Enough Items
#6748 opened by alexMcGarity - 3
Crash when crafting job completes, because of toast notification
#6750 opened by Sakreton - 0
More inventory sizes for the terminals to choose from
#6751 opened by official-Cromatin - 7
Can't insert or take out items from ME pattern encoding terminal
#6754 opened by Zviracek - 3
Villager exploitable
#6755 opened by johalun - 7
Ability to set name on pattern provider
#6756 opened by johalun - 1
Make it clearer that smithing table and stonecutting recipes use Molecular Assemblers
#6757 opened by shartte - 1
Parts don't keep their custom names
#6762 opened by Technici4n - 1
Get rid of `ICustomNameObject` in favor of `Nameable`
#6763 opened by Technici4n - 3
Memory card does not work with shield
#6772 opened by uhloin - 2
Channel issue when setting up P2P network
#6773 opened by Kangy1103 - 1
Mod loading failed because forge version is wrong
#6774 opened by drcoconuti - 0
Cant make cobblestone circuit molds in sky factory 4
#6775 opened by J-Dog1922 - 2
Can't create cobblestone circuit molds in Sky Factory 4
#6776 opened by J-Dog1922 - 1
Rei Category 1.19.2
#6778 opened by iglee42 - 2
duplicate item provided using give command for singularities and quantum entangled singularity
#6779 opened by DelviousCrafts