- 0
Reloading a circuit breaks connections
#31 opened by duncanwebb - 0
Fluid Valve does not connect to Immersive Engineering Pipes
#32 opened by duncanwebb - 4
crash during startup with OC: "Please register all environment providers in the init phase."
#33 opened by LlubNek - 0
crash with small circuit program
#34 opened by w1257 - 1
CD4017BE 6.5.1 Compatibility
#35 opened by lazar2222 - 1
OpenComputers integration is broken
#2 opened by svitoos - 2
Documentation Out of date even for the 4.3.1
#3 opened by lethecus5280 - 5
TIS-3d sometimes deadlocks trying to read from bit splitter
#5 opened by esotericist - 1
Crash on rapidly left clicking Schematic's
#6 opened by Flanks255 - 1
Z-fighting in covered pipe models
#7 opened by Thutmose - 2
[Feature request] Voidcraft power reading
#9 opened by Austin5003 - 2
Crash when turning on a redstone clock to pipes
#8 opened by Thutmose - 3
Output vanishes when trying to move it on the designer grid
#10 opened by MatthiasMann - 2
Cost of circuits depend on position of elements in the desgner
#11 opened by MatthiasMann - 2
Documentation related things
#12 opened by CD4017BE - 3
In extended mode, sometimes LED-Display displays incorrectly.
#13 opened by Snownee - 2
#14 opened by FinnT730 - 4
Hiding redstone wire with block broken or documented wrong
#15 opened by tjeulink - 1
Bit Splitter Wire Broken?
#16 opened by feldim2425 - 1
Solid redstone wire disconnects
#19 opened by feldim2425 - 1
Wierd index offset in Array Writer
#17 opened by feldim2425 - 1
[1.12.2] Crash When Teleporting to Area With Redstone Wires
#18 opened by LaughingLeader - 2
Placing block close to emitter wire doesn't check for redstone signal correctly
#20 opened by Snownee - 1
Does the language entry '' really used?
#21 opened by Snownee - 1
Crash when connecting Redstone Wire to Pistons
#22 opened by feldim2425 - 0
Wires can't be moved once placed.
#23 opened by HonestyK - 4
Energy Gate - Output won't connect as expected.
#24 opened by Rsslone - 0
Oscilloscope unreadable when measuring digital values
#25 opened by Matrix89 - 3
Energy Valve not working with Immersive Engineering
#26 opened by duncanwebb - 6
EnergyValve not showing the correct energy flow
#27 opened by duncanwebb - 0
Crash just after opening a local Minecraft world
#28 opened by jbourod - 11
Circuit Help
#29 opened by duncanwebb - 2
Wireless transmitters issues
#30 opened by Garagoth