- 3
Changing Configs (Server Side)
#263 opened by Ginph - 3
[Fabric] Server Crash on unregistered fuel in Furnace Burner
#262 opened by Axelph237 - 3
Scannable scanner won't charge using Tesla Coil
#261 opened by mecha-moonboy - 1
[Fabric] Ticking Entity Server Crash with Furnace Burner
#260 opened by JensenJ - 0
Error loading
#259 opened by albertosaurio65 - 1
[Fabric] REI breaking due to CC&E registering the wrong IDs
#257 opened by Oliver-makes-code - 5
For the first time get in the world, Crude Burner is not compatible with other mods liquid fuels
#255 opened by xuwuwudi - 1
[Suggestion] Oil Lamps that use the Seed Oil
#254 opened by NealSavage - 0
Tooltips on wires should reveal max length
#253 opened by tungstonminer - 7
Connectors are buggy in 1.18.1
#252 opened by tungstonminer - 1
Wires should stretch farther
#251 opened by tungstonminer - 7
Stress vs. Speed should have an inverse relationship
#250 opened by tungstonminer - 5
Fe energy Wiring issue
#249 opened by swagst - 1
Erroring Recipes
#248 opened by gamenTV - 4
fabric-mill dupe
#246 opened by anim4trix - 1
Fabric version has Forge mods set as dependencies on Curseforge.
#245 opened by laserlemons - 4
Can't create biomass.
#244 opened by StormDragon-64 - 1
Manually placing or taking fuel in/from the furnace burner doesn't update comparators
#243 opened by FakeDomi - 0
OpenComputers II compatibility
#241 opened by squoshi - 2
Biomass Pellets produce 'different' type of water
#239 opened by KyleHeren - 1
Power not working on server
#238 opened by trekinsanity - 5
Connectors does not work
#237 opened by HerrGru - 1
log errors
#236 opened by 0Navis0 - 4
[1.18.2] Tesla coil not charging Immersive engineering items
#235 opened by ffuentesm - 0
Rose quartz recipe in Metallurgic Infusor (mekanism) is broken (outdated)
#233 opened by Lesya-cpp - 1
Induction heater does not work on a furnace engine.
#232 opened by Kaczkens - 1
Recipe Seed oil Bucket
#229 opened by albertosaurio65 - 1
Increase Seed oil Output to 100mb instead of 80mb
#228 opened by ffuentesm - 2
Bugs I found in 1.18.2
#227 opened by Hiconel - 3
[1.18.1] Furnace burner not returning empty buckets
#226 opened by ffuentesm - 1
Adding JEED (Just enough effect descriptions) support for Shocked effect
#225 opened by celsiusqc - 1
Not being able to craft Copper rods
#224 opened by Charmy131 - 2
AE2 Certus Doesn't Charge With Tesla
#222 opened by Soaryn - 1
Immersive engineering Bioethanol Compatibility
#221 opened by ffuentesm - 1
#220 opened by THEDESTROYER9009 - 1
Redstone Control for Electric Engine
#219 opened by PessimisticBastard - 1
Ability to place Candles on Cakes
#218 opened by stanlabs - 1
Valve failed
#217 opened by Zimoge - 6
Cable disappearing when chunks unload
#216 opened by wootaboot - 3
Tesla coil not charging remote grid
#214 opened by BoggerBoss - 2
Immersive Engineering's LV Wires and Copper Spools inter-compatibility
#213 opened by mosharky - 5
Wire Connectors causing immense server lag when chunk is unloaded
#212 opened by grundyboy34 - 3
Motor and Alternator rendering issues
#211 opened by JaboyKoral - 1
Electric tools or armor
#208 opened by ZEROX7 - 1
Ponder Electric Motor and Alternator Crash
#207 opened by cobaltw - 1
Allow custom tesla coil charging recipes & JEI Support
#206 opened by ModestBitboard - 1
Update flywheel version dependency
#205 opened by celsiusqc - 1
Cake base should use a mixing recipe instead of compacting
#204 opened by Enoch0099 - 1
Incompatible with Latest Flywheel
#203 opened by GW-Dev - 2
Disappearing Connectors
#202 opened by xigzagoon