- 1
Having trouble making a "low code mod" for DML
#213 opened by xxr4cc - 2
1.19.2 Eggs won't spawn in chests even when given 100% chance of showing in loot
#212 opened by callmetrickie - 1
[suggestions] Everyone can ride a persons dragon ratger just the owner and a tutorial of how the custom breeds work and armor and custom armor.
#211 opened by SelimGOZ - 1
Dragon egg not hatching or spawning
#210 opened by Kkuntinlang - 1
Dragon cannot be ridden, controls do not show up, and searching for items does not work
#209 opened by ashymcwashyyy - 1
Egg not hatching.
#208 opened by MrMyster1ous - 1
[1.20.1 Forge] Crash upon right clicking the dragon egg.
#207 opened by PlayfulPiano - 2
Dragon hovers in place after breeding, doesn't respond to user interaction
#206 opened by hexaF6-NinjaMC - 1
Dragons not growing after being hatched
#205 opened by Garlayntoji - 3
Eggs not replenishing
#204 opened by csgnwinter - 2
Datapack - Dragons with larger size modifier cannot breed due to big hitbox
#203 opened by IceaPlayzPC - 2
Can only find Aether dragon egg
#202 opened by csgnwinter - 2
JER and Dragon Mount conflict? (1.20.1 Forge)
#200 opened by NateKDavis - 1
[Suggestion] Metadata for Datapacks
#199 opened by itsdinkd - 2
Crash when right-clicking Dragon Egg on top of End stone
#198 opened by DarianStardust - 1
Dragon movement is not synced to other players in dragonmounts-1.19.2-1.1.4a
#197 opened by CherubicBoot - 1
Compat issue with Open Parties & Claims causing crashes serverside.
#196 opened by EndDragon438 - 4
Eggs not hatching
#195 opened by Jordyo00 - 1
Brain API
#194 opened by JarodStreck - 4
can't get the dragon eggs to spawn in chests on server
#192 opened by noejh - 15
There aren't any other dragons/dragon eggs available other than fire dragon on 1.19.2
#191 opened by cobaltlol - 3
[Question] Can custom dragon breed eggs changed or get changed to by default eggs?
#190 opened by EEzackHShtin - 5
Falling from a dragon crashes server
#189 opened by Mindfreak66 - 1
Dragons not spawning
#188 opened by emmirr - 1
I keep getting this error when my egg is about to hatch.
#187 opened by simycracker1 - 5
[CRASH] breeding the dragons crashes the game?
#186 opened by DomezTheDragon - 1
[BUG] Server crash if you take the "Aether Dragon " with a leach to a fence and go into the Nether
#184 opened by Kiragatu - 2
Not an Issue but a question
#183 opened by RexkUr - 3
No support for mods that add biomes / nests do not spawn in modded biomes
#182 opened by carlean101 - 3
Eggs not hatching or changing
#181 opened by dragonplushy - 1
#180 opened by aboodabugaza - 3
Feature Request - Feature from Original Mod: Have dragons attempt to catch their owners when they're falling.
#179 opened by LunaticWyrm467 - 1
The game crashed whilst unexpected error Error: java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke "com.github.kay9.dragonmounts.dragon.breed.DragonBreed.hatchParticles()" because "breed" is null
#178 opened by TenKotowsky - 1
Any version - Mod is incompatible with Nullscape mod & overall causes generation issues for other mods.
#177 opened by L0WSP0T - 2
1.20.1 game crash when dragon hatch
#176 opened by hallool - 5
Dragons cannot be summoned, hatched, or spawned in any way whatsoever on 1.20.1 Multi-Servers.
#175 opened by Kingdomall - 1
Mod Broken
#174 opened by Yuanki9 - 1
Egg Loot Modifier throws an exception leaving chests empty
#173 opened by Hulk-Hunter - 2
[Wiki] Broken habitat link
#172 opened by lockf - 1
is there a addon for attack animations while flying if not that maybe a good update
#171 opened by hallool - 5
MC 1.20.1 Crashing during World Creation
#170 opened by Devilswarchild - 2
[Suggestion] Cancel flight when swimming as a non-water dragon
#169 opened by MarioSMB - 1
Where do I put custom dragons?
#168 opened by LunarCatPlayz - 7
What is the spawn rate percentage of me finding a dragon egg in naturally generated chests?
#167 opened by aboodabugaza - 10
DM:L for 1.20 is using outdated forge build; Causing crashes
#165 opened by Gcattv - 1
I installed dragon mounts legacy but the items of the mod are not in the game.
#164 opened by aboodabugaza - 5
1.19.2 version suggestion
#163 opened by PapaDimitri - 1
I installed the mod perfectly but I don't see the items of the mod in my game.
#162 opened by aboodabugaza - 2
No Guard for pre-mature breed querying causing NPE's
#161 opened by Tursiops-G - 2
What does the config look like to turn on loot tables for eggs in chests?
#160 opened by Hulk-Hunter