- 1
Conduit facade wrong rendering with Chisel blocks
#3165 opened by SrAnthony - 3
Suggestion - New ME Conduit type or new funtionality
#3166 opened by UberAffe - 12
Item Conduits Overloading Server
#3167 opened by UOAlien - 2
Solar panel generating factor is not reasonable
#3168 opened by Abastro - 4
Crash EnderIO-1.7.10-
#3169 opened by kostay99 - 2
[Enhancement] Tinkers Construct Inventory Compat.
#3162 opened by vsilvar - 3
Control click in inventory panel picks up a full stack
#3173 opened by r0rs - 1
dimensional transceiver donĀ“t send rf to second
#3174 opened by skulldrago - 6
Power Monitor's Engine Control not working after map load
#3175 opened by Benie76 - 1
Crash With Latest Beta
#3176 opened by Gebcrafter - 3
[Feature Request] Insulated Redstone Conduit Upgrades
#3177 opened by sinspawn1024 - 4
Inventory tooltips for conduits do not reflect altered config values.
#3178 opened by Karmacopper - 10
Zombie Generator permanently stops when full
#3170 opened by CyricV - 5
Bug : TileConduitBundle cannot be cast to TileHyperCube
#3172 opened by Lorenzo77 - 0
Moving mouse over 3d configuration/preview screen while holding stack, render issues.
#3184 opened by prozacgod - 4
Powered Spawner consumes RF but won't spawn Cows
#3185 opened by Sheldor5 - 2
Farming station crash with vanilla seeds
#3186 opened by leagris - 9
No idea what this is, yet. ["NoClass" Crash]
#3179 opened by Fortist - 9
Crash report with ender io version
#3180 opened - 9
Enchanter recipe for holding doesn't work.
#3181 opened by technolem - 6
Minecraft fence gate can't be used as a unit for painting
#3182 opened by dimitriy0810 - 9
Can't anvil potion of swiftness onto dark leggings
#3187 opened by isochronous - 5
Custom Grinding Balls Not Using Configured Stats
#3188 opened by CyricV - 2
[enhancement] Travel Anchor Expansion
#3189 opened by Leasara - 2
Teleporter Range is Unproportional.
#3190 opened by DonovanMontoya - 0
Flipper upgrade + creative flight + underwater = hyperspeed
#3191 opened by technolem - 1
Worlgen issue with RTG
#3192 opened by ElderEvil - 8
Minor "bug" with creative capacitors in inventory.
#3193 opened by CyricV - 2
ComputerCraft Cable Conduits
#3197 opened by LokeYourC3PH - 3
[Suggestion] Staff of Traveling Upgrades
#3198 opened by Neodark7 - 0
Soulbound improvement.
#3199 opened by mblob - 8
Farming station crash (With cotton from Natura)
#3200 opened by Northbadge - 1
Ender Fluid Conduits have massive Waila tooltips
#3201 opened by tprussak - 5
Occasional crash in FTB Infinity
#3194 opened by SigurdCole - 2
Maybe a GUI bug with Inventory Panel and NEI
#3195 opened by Andre--D - 7
magnet in baubles slot
#3196 opened by Mementh - 1
Item Sorting
#3205 opened by MaylarSnow - 1
Glitchy invantory pannels
#3206 opened by tyler489 - 1
universal cable conduits
#3207 opened by leytilera - 1
You can't make a Powred Villiger Spawner
#3202 opened by Bernd135 - 10
SoulBound enchant stripping armor when crossing dimensions
#3203 opened by Solidflip - 3
#3204 opened by leytilera - 0
Enhancement: Conduit benchmark
#3209 opened by Gammelkebab - 2
Text for named travel anchors shows as white boxes
#3208 opened by IronHide4 - 1
Wrong value for burn rate in stirling generators
#3211 opened by KristjanKr - 3
Crashing server
#3214 opened by TheDEAS - 2
Item(s) duplication
#3217 opened by ooxblodin - 2
nutrient distillation
#3212 opened by barkos - 0
Generators permanently sleep when output is configured too high
#3219 opened by CyricV - 1
Weather Obelisk's canStartTask ignoring fluid in obelisk
#3220 opened by Vexatos