- 25
IMPORTANT MAJOR AND GENERAL BUG (1.9 and 1.9.4) : Catched unhandled exception java.lang.NullPointerException
#3342 opened by 0Navis0 - 1
[1.9] No machine Frame Recipe
#3343 opened by Morpheus1101 - 14
Farming station will not accept TechReborn rubber saplings.
#3345 opened by varukasalt - 1
(Suggestion) Dimensional Transceiver with gas
#3346 opened by ChrisCunningham3266 - 0
Broken spawner does not drop correctly
#3347 opened by CrazyPants - 0
EnderIO-1.7.10- farming station dont plant any seeds (dont work)
#3348 opened by tetkris - 0
EnderIO-1.7.10- Conflict recipe 1 diamond with mod translocator
#3349 opened by tetkris - 0
[1.9.4] Insulated Redstone Conduit drops Cunduit Switcher
#3350 opened by knord1 - 9
[1.9] Render Bug
#3351 opened by kraineff - 8
[1.9] UI Experience Obelisk and Crafter
#3352 opened by kraineff - 1
[1.9.4] Placing conduit next to quite clear glass crashes the game
#3353 opened by Kazzamkablam - 1
Server crash with
#3355 opened by pikkon38 - 0
Item Conduits removing Upgrade Capacitors and Unprocessed Items when extracting
#3356 opened by MacAttack-UK - 0
Inventory Panel Broken! (1.9.4)
#3357 opened by Shortguyyy - 0
Suggestion: Option in painter to allow clear blocks to hide conduits
#3358 opened by Mementh - 4
1.7.10 Crush
#3359 opened by Leytek - 0
[1.9.4] Experience Obelisk has no texture when placed in the world
#3331 opened by b0bst3r - 13
Transparant facades showing conduits
#3332 opened by pnieuwkamp - 4
Farming Station Not Working with 426Beta
#3333 opened by Darkosto - 0
Drinking milk from a bucket crash
#3334 opened by aldun - 4
Crash on startup
#3335 opened by Imnuts7 - 8
[EnderIO-1.9.4-] Cross mod conflict with powders preventing smelting
#3336 opened by Kazzamkablam - 4
[1.9] Item conduits have no support for IItemHandler
#3337 opened by raoulvdberge - 2
Conduits dont place
#3338 opened by 6J0ker9 - 9
(Closed Old one by Mistake) Server side conduits
#3339 opened by 6J0ker9 - 5
[1/9/4] EnderIO SAGMill Dusts not smeltable
#3340 opened by kwpugh - 3
[1.9] Updated Russian Translate
#3341 opened by kraineff - 1
Autonomous Activator (Suggestion)
#3363 opened by idevicerhelper - 3
Suggestion: Add 1.9 Enchantments to the Enchanter.
#3364 opened by VT-14 - 0
See through blocks above solar panel [1.9.4]
#3365 opened by eriico39hi - 2
Crash Report
#3366 opened by Ar97x - 1
Farming Station Doesn't Work with Cocoa Beans ( Alpha)
#3367 opened by homemmakako - 7
Opening GUI of Stirling Generator leads to being kicked from SMP server
#3368 opened by Rongmario - 0
[1.9.4] SAG Mill's Ore Dictionnary recipes are not automatically registered with JEI
#3369 opened by Xiaminou - 1
Breaking conduits crashes game
#3370 opened by LemmaEOF - 0
[1.9.4] Crash with Waila
#3371 opened by erindal - 4
1.9.4- - Crash on clicking the search tab in the creative inventory
#3372 opened by OhiraKyou - 1
[1.9.4] Crash when clicking on the search tab on creative menu
#3373 opened by JCMais - 2
Game crashes when attempting to access creative inventory search function
#3374 opened by varukasalt - 14
[1.9.4] Implement new IFluidHandler capabilities so Forestry farms and others work again
#3375 opened by RealGrep - 3
Power Advantage drain + EnderIO fluid tank crash
#3376 opened by OhiraKyou - 1
[1.9.4] Crash on Creative Mode when trying to select EnderIO Tab or Search Bar
#3377 opened by MrAmericanMike - 13
[1.9] Add JEI Support to Inventory Panel
#3378 opened by kraineff - 6
[1.9.4] Recipe button broken on servers.
#3379 opened by Xiaminou - 1
[CLIENT] 1.9.4- crashes when open creative tab search
#3380 opened by kreezxil - 1
XP Boost showing for armor in enchantment table
#3382 opened by foxanthony1 - 5
Crash when opening inventory search tab in creative mode
#3383 opened by Flapjacks - 4
[1.7.10] Farming station and Growable ore Reeds
#3360 opened by Keyarose - 1
[1.9.4] - [Crash]: java.lang.NullPointerException: Unexpected error
#3362 opened by Lanse505 - 1
[1.7.10] Ticking Entity: Fallen Knight
#3361 opened by perfect007