- 9
Advanced Item Filter not filtering as it should
#4033 opened by Flow86 - 1
Dark Pick with Travel issues
#4034 opened by Discomanco - 5
"Push" no longer lets you insert items into machines
#4035 opened by Xiaminou - 4
ConduitNetworkTickHandler - Too many calls?
#4030 opened by Rob5Underscores-zz - 0
[FR] Painted tank fluid rendering
#4031 opened by uecasm - 0
Painted Stone Wall not rendering
#4032 opened by Benaminamon - 8
Vapor of levity causing massive lag
#4038 opened by Deregorn - 2
Decoration Blocks will not rotate
#4039 opened by Gkoliver - 3
Dark Pick Spoon and Snow
#4036 opened by Discomanco - 40
Conduit lags (chunk uloading)
#4037 opened - 0
Crash 1.7.10
#4042 opened by Komarchik - 1
trying to include the enderio api using maven, but it errors
#4040 opened by bogger33 - 0
[1.10.2] Dark Pressure Plate (silent) Dupe
#4041 opened by xSparky911x - 4
EnderIO Machines spill items when inserting into full containers
#4045 opened by Xiaminou - 4
Can't extract buckets from Stirling Generator
#4046 opened by aesguitar - 1
Can't extract items from Killer Joe
#4047 opened by MakeLord95 - 11
Dark helm covers too much of player skin
#4048 opened by ShaunDreclin - 6
Block layer 'breaking' is leaking (was: Crash at world load with Chisel update (1.10.2))
#4049 opened by ate0ate - 14
[1.10.2] Capacitor Bank Issue
#4051 opened by Elvarion - 3
Suggestion: use player's name as fakePlayer name for the killer Joe
#4052 opened by gd71 - 0
Refined Storage Conduit For 1.10.2
#4053 opened by dovahkiin4991 - 1
Enchanter recipes using wrong XP costs
#4054 opened by Alan19 - 2
Mod Needs Other Mods
#4055 opened by SuperSwinub - 1
Custom sag mill recipes not working
#4056 opened by AhHanie - 1
Infinite soulbound
#4062 opened by Legegends - 3
about the Rf conduits
#4063 opened by Legegends - 1
[Request] Redstone Conduit Circuit Breaker
#4064 opened by Nuinethir - 0
[Feature Req] [1.10.2] The One Probe intergration with dimensional transceivers
#4066 opened by A-UNDERSCORE-D - 26
Painted Trapdoor and Grass/Podzol block issue.
#4057 opened by Dolinmyster - 9
hopefully fixable
#4058 opened by Tenchu98 - 8
[1.10.2] Redstone conduits not updating through solid blocks
#4059 opened by XFactHD - 5
[1.10] Conduits on chunk borders ghostload adjacent chunks
#4060 opened by fnuecke - 1
EnderIO faces are relative to world coördinates, and not machine faces.
#4061 opened by HumbleDeer - 8
unkown crash
#4068 opened by artemOP - 3
Transferred from the Endercore
#4069 opened by malyarevich - 3
Suggestion on Vacuum chest
#4070 opened by GldnSabre74 - 1
Ghost Vacuum Chest [Bug] [1.10.2]
#4071 opened by Mercenary4Hire - 2
Draconic Evolution's Flux Capacitors don't charge any Ender IO items
#4072 opened by slaugaus - 0
Game crush
#4073 opened by KiraLinux - 1
Custom recipes Sagmill
#4074 opened by wandersonbraz - 7
[1.10.2] Thermal Expansion Integration Issues
#4075 opened by oitsjustjose - 4
Suggestion: "Remote Inventory Interface" block
#4067 opened by StarkRG - 16
[1.10.2] Can't pull Forge Energy from EnderIO stuff
#4081 opened by SoniEx2 - 9
[1.10.2] Phantom energyface doesn't work correctly with EnderIO
#4082 opened by SoniEx2 - 5
[1.10.2] Using ActuallyAdditions Phantom Energyface with Energy Conduit voids energy
#4083 opened by SoniEx2 - 0
[Minor] A few facade lighting issues
#4076 opened by yepidoodles - 1
In/Out connection Issues
#4077 opened by mikeskey - 0
[Minor] Update Enderium recipe
#4078 opened by 016Nojr - 2
[Minor] TE Crescent Hammer support
#4079 opened by 016Nojr - 2
client crashing due to issue with bundled conduits
#4080 opened by malyarevich