![Fairy Factions](https://media.forgecdn.net/avatars/thumbnails/34/723/256/256/635913978179877964.png)
- 0
Client Crash when taming fairy on Forge 1.19.2 server
#36 opened by OakLoaf - 0
!!Not an issue, just a question!!
#35 opened by PortalOddities - 0
Fix flight
#2 opened by allaryin - 3
Implement rename GUI
#3 opened by allaryin - 0
Put fairies back down
#1 opened by allaryin - 6
Verify all worker AI
#4 opened by allaryin - 0
Implement Waila hooks
#6 opened by allaryin - 0
Verify server functionality
#7 opened by allaryin - 0
Localize into soft-coded English
#5 opened by allaryin - 0
Make config file less useless
#8 opened by allaryin - 0
Fairies aren't detecting signs for posting
#9 opened by allaryin - 1
Extend list of farmables
#10 opened by allaryin - 2
Upgrade localization to play nicer with word order
#12 opened by allaryin - 1
Shearing fairies don't appear to gather white wool
#13 opened by allaryin - 0
When breeding, the hearts appear over the fairy
#14 opened by allaryin - 1
Server crash in Spawner
#15 opened by allaryin - 1
Fairies are a bunch of pacifists
#16 opened by allaryin - 3
Refactor AI Code to use use "NewAI" EntityAITask stuff.
#17 opened by danbornside - 3
Get 1.8 build compiling without errors
#18 opened by allaryin - 5
Feature request: Add flight to iChun Morph
#20 opened by grydian - 0
Reflection failure crash
#19 opened by allaryin - 0
Get layer rendering working
#21 opened by allaryin - 0
Re-enable AI
#22 opened by allaryin - 0
Fix fairy offset while worn
#23 opened by allaryin - 2
Fairy entity registration
#24 opened by Zarzuf - 0
Consider switching from EntityAnimal to EntityTameable
#25 opened by allaryin - 2
Setting Fairy to Fish on SMP caused server crash
#26 opened by KaesBuerschtl - 0
- 1
Farming fairies doesn't plant correctly melon seeds
#29 opened by Ombragon - 0
Farming fairies use ink sac instead of bonemeal
#30 opened by Ombragon - 0
Farming fairies don't pick up wheat
#31 opened by Aqhurion - 3
[Problem] Entity id conflict
#32 opened by FuYang001 - 1
#33 opened by Sunny905 - 5
Game crashed when loading
#34 opened by FuYang001