- 1
Suggestion: Toggle Fluid Item Registering in config
#17 opened by whatsapp2 - 6
containment door and sliding door problem
#18 opened by NONPLAYT - 2
[Feature Request] Per Dimension configs
#1 opened by ALJ323 - 0
Fensu Energy rate not working
#2 opened by TheOriginalGolem - 5
Can't made schrabidium ore by using nuclear explosion & crucible render & sideways blast door didnt work
#4 opened by DNIWE041 - 2
None of the big doors opens.
#5 opened by LeKripiY - 1
Input and Output hatch for Particle accelerator
#7 opened by OlegKovach - 1
Crash report in mod pack(Berries_And mobs_mod)
#8 opened by RJHG56 - 1
Small render issue with power armor chestplates
#11 opened by DNIWE041 - 3
Crash with exploded RBMK
#10 opened by DNIWE041 - 2
Fusion Reactor
#12 opened by BotBugad0 - 8
No emissive textures
#13 opened by LeKripiY - 1
Wrong Silo hatch redstone signal placement
#14 opened by LeKripiY - 1
Config for radiation factor of nuclear bombs (sellafite).
#15 opened by DNIWE041 - 8
RBMK Crane and Consol disappear after save and reload
#16 opened by Njet75 - 1
Too many particles crashing servers.
#19 opened by NoMoreUsernames999 - 5
[1.12.2] Crucible Sword crashes the game if the Aether is installed.
#20 opened by SonicX8000 - 2
Suggestion: Hud Stuff, Config Stuff
#21 opened by SonicX8000 - 1
idk crash
#22 opened by username90001 - 6
suggestion dfc half mirror half glass
#23 opened by username90001 - 0
Using Structure Marker crashes game
#24 opened by whatsapp2 - 1
fusion reactor meltdown suggestion
#25 opened by username90001 - 7
1.12.2 DFC not working, also render issues.
#28 opened by xenoulexi - 3
Crash with dimension related mods on the newest version(1.8.4/1.8.4a)
#29 opened by luxvent - 3
NPE crash
#30 opened by whatsapp2 - 5
some strange broken things and bugs
#31 opened by username90001 - 2
New config options?
#32 opened by MerrittK