- 4
Crashes because stupid
#314 opened by Chickn-man - 4
Crane is missing. Console is still there
#310 opened by Joey-Destroyah - 12
Fibrosis status isn't saved across restarts
#308 opened by FavoritoHJS - 3
Balefire Bomb Issue.
#307 opened by realShaiw - 1
Crash allegedly associated with a gas mask overlay
#305 opened by luckybl0ck - 6
Some ideas on a refined fluid system for NTM
#304 opened by JoeyGu3412 - 2
Bombs in 1.12 and in 1.7 in the last update doesn´t work properly special de Tsar and ivy mike
#302 opened by RAFAPFAP - 1
Wrong OreDict Registration for Tiny Piles of Dust.
#295 opened by GregoriusT - 4
Crash with Better Questing
#294 opened by Crimento - 3
More GT related stuff
#293 opened by divine-ray - 5
Update idea
#292 opened by Sinanemo21 - 1
Random Idea for bobfluid compatibility
#291 opened by divine-ray - 2
Custom JSON recipes
#290 opened by divine-ray - 1
Some suggestions
#289 opened by Threepan - 1
How can I stop the destruction of the terrain by grenades, laser guns and other props?
#288 opened by GalaxyZEROX - 2
[Suggestion] better guns
#287 opened by alex-s168 - 4
[Suggestion] better missiles
#286 opened by alex-s168 - 6
RBMK causes a lot of lag in the world
#285 opened by sdddddf80 - 1
[Suggestion] Power Fist Recipe
#284 opened by IloveObraDinn - 7
German translation is bad
#283 opened by alex-s168 - 7
How do I find Coltan Bedrock Ore? (528 Mode and Ore Config are enabled, Coltass points to middle of nowhere)
#281 opened by GregoriusT - 2
совместимость жидкостей
#280 opened by DANILKA1802 - 2
Explosion causing game to crash
#278 opened by MeferWT - 1
Normal SU battery stores more energy than large SU battery
#277 opened by TrueSanicWasHere - 3
#274 opened by ektorthebigbro - 1
cd too many arguements
#273 opened by Joey-Destroyah - 12
when is the update
#272 opened by Sinanemo21 - 2
Advanced alloy shovel has the hoe recipe, along with its own
#271 opened by TrueSanicWasHere - 1
#270 opened by ektorthebigbro - 5
[Feature Request]Radar + forcefield
#269 opened by ektorthebigbro - 3
Texture bug
#266 opened by lingualesta - 1
#264 opened - 4
[config] mod crashes by HBM when potions from mod extend past 127 (128 and up)
#263 opened by Shibva - 1
Tick Block Occurances
#261 opened by Bromack0304 - 2
plan c lacing recipie doesnt work
#260 opened by Joey-Destroyah - 3
Minor Issue: Template Folder does not recognize materials from other mods being used
#258 opened by Shibva - 0
[Suggestion] Add Side-Compatability with Forge-multipart (slabs-n-stuff) for decoblocks
#257 opened by Shibva - 2
Universal damage multiplier for compatibility
#256 opened by Reassl - 6
#255 opened - 1
Railgun turret
#254 opened by jlw1995 - 8
Crash during initialization
#253 opened by middleeasternfag - 5
(Suggestion/question) Possible bomb overhaul?
#252 opened by FunnyManFlame - 2
Question: did Bob remove the radar dish structure?
#251 opened by IloveObraDinn - 1
Suggestion: re-add manual turret controller
#249 opened by IloveObraDinn - 2
Suggestion: Add a version of Ash Goggles that are Attachable to Other amrors
#248 opened by Shibva - 3
[Suggestion]New enemy and new missile launcher
#246 opened - 1
Proposal for the Damage System of Explosion-Proof Blocks
#244 opened by FlappyBanan - 9
Missiles can’t function well in servers
#243 opened - 0
[Suggestion] Advance ore gen configs
#242 opened by Shibva - 4
Where to get "Medium Enriched Plutonium-239" pellets?
#240 opened by Sept0n