- 2
[Feature Request] Configurable Keybinds for Inventory Movement
#89 opened by Exaxxion - 1
[Crash] Incompatible with avaritaddons
#88 opened by AllenAlien920 - 1
[documentation] Installation, dependencies
#85 opened by mazunki - 2
Crash when opening/closing Bogo config menu
#84 opened by ZZZank - 3
Block hotkey on certain GUIs
#80 opened by ChromaPIE - 0
Inventory void when sorting in BitHop hoppers UI
#79 opened by ahtohio - 0
Arcane Archives support
#78 opened by ZZZank - 0
[Crash] Game crashes when sort config is opened in various IC2 Machines
#75 opened by proton0va - 1
This mod can be assembled on the server to take items from the menu
#74 opened by PathdarX - 1
Sorting crash every time `SortHandler.playSortSound`
#73 opened by Krutoy242 - 0
Mod Compatibility Request
#72 opened by 167OSS - 6
CompactStorage Chest - sort doesn't work.
#71 opened by mellamokb - 1
[Bug]: Can't use sort on servers
#69 opened by Souliboi - 0
[Feature Request] Add support for Industrial Renewal storage racks
#68 opened by MCTian-mi - 2
"count" sort rule ignores total item count in inventory
#67 opened by wired-maya - 1
`Enable auto hotbar refill` checkmark actually inverted
#66 opened by Krutoy242 - 2
Incompatible with Latest ModularUI (2.3.0)
#65 opened by mcadventurecity - 0
#64 opened by kierkking - 1
[Feature Request] Make inventory sort and sort config buttons toggable
#63 opened by geradeaus007 - 2
Add an option to disable the annoying "Get Bogo'd"
#62 opened by MatthiasMann - 0
`Space + Q` drop everything only from player inventory
#61 opened by Krutoy242 - 0
[Feature Request] Add configuration for Alt+Click move items ignoring NBT (and ForgeCaps?)
#60 opened by Krutoy242 - 2
Visual glitch: Alt+Click causing item to pick up in hand
#59 opened by Krutoy242 - 6
Inconsistent `auto hotbar refill`
#58 opened by Krutoy242 - 1
[Dupe] Ctrl+Shift+Click output slot
#57 opened by Krutoy242 - 0
Inconsistant behaviour of Ctrl+Shift+Click (server desync prob.)
#56 opened by Krutoy242 - 0
Incompatibility with `Bithop` mod
#55 opened by Krutoy242 - 3
Crash on sorting when Advanced Connector from XNet is present in inventory
#54 opened by ChromaPIE - 2
Crash `NoSuchMethodError: com.cleanroommc.modularui.value.BoolValue$Dynamic.<init>`
#52 opened by Krutoy242 - 1
Crash on pressing [...]
#50 opened by Krutoy242 - 3
Crash on opening any container
#49 opened by Krutoy242 - 1
[Feature Request] Ability to lock certain inventory slots like InvTweaks
#45 opened by Liam-McCormack-Github - 0
crash with autocrafter
#44 opened by ferreiraalex - 10
#42 opened by IAmNotGEM - 0
[Feature Request] Add Simply Backpacks support
#38 opened by ZHAY10086 - 7
[bug] Bogosort does not check if the gregtech version is CEU or CE
#36 opened by BraggestSage833 - 8
【BUG】Error reported when using catserver to open a service
#32 opened by Lonelyxiya - 1
Mod Support request
#31 opened by penturt - 0
Charset chests compatibility
#30 opened by juraj-hrivnak - 0
Silent crash: `NoClassDefFoundError: gregtech/api/items/metaitem/MetaItem`
#27 opened by Krutoy242 - 1
NPE Crash `.getTextureAtlasSprite()` on Color rule, ExtraUtils2 compat
#26 opened by Krutoy242 - 4
[Suggstion] Why is the number of items not in reverse order?
#24 opened by IAmNotGEM - 3
[Bug]Clearing botania flower pouch when sorting in the gui of it
#22 opened by mczph - 1
[Bug] Enable auto hotbar refill
#20 opened by Romz24 - 5
[Bug] Config menu keybind conflict
#19 opened by KorewaLidesu - 1
[Bug] Crashes on boot with IC2 Classic
#16 opened by Drazden - 1
[Feature Request] Quick sorting by inventory
#15 opened by Xikaro - 1
[Feature Request] Missing language keys
#14 opened by Romz24 - 2
Offhand refill destroys mainhand items
#13 opened by Quarri6343 - 0