- 3
Permission set error
#341 opened by GordanJankson - 9
Multiple Prefixes
#340 opened by lcovey22 - 3
Prefix's not working?
#339 opened by Galadriel1640 - 1
lang.yml causing NPE's
#338 opened by PiggyPiglet - 24
Fly command
#336 opened by CoodlesSmoogles - 0
[Sponge] LuckPerms re-cancelling login event
#335 opened by dualspiral - 1
Feature Request: Skript
#334 opened - 0
BungeePerms converting - Server permissions becomes world permissions
#333 opened by fnutt - 2
Error in BungeeCord Version: LuckPerms-Bungee-3.2.20
#332 opened by pablochv - 2
#331 opened by xbette - 6
Calling setPermission on group subjects doesn't always save
#330 opened by bloodmc - 3
Bug with Essentials Spawn when using storage format: mysql
#329 opened by codibez - 2
Server start [WARN]'s
#328 opened by andrewkm - 4
Set player suffix
#327 opened by JamieSinn - 1
Converting from groupmanager to mysql. Error -> Could not parse UUID for user:
#326 opened by andrewkm - 3
Converting from groupmanager to mysql. (Data too long for column 'name' at row 1)
#325 opened by andrewkm - 1
#324 opened - 2
Something I am getting in console
#323 opened by EmanYm - 7
LP hang during server boot
#322 opened by EmanYm - 0
show message when not provide group on settrack command
#321 opened by netherstar - 5
Web Editor Expiry not working
#320 opened by NickCloudAT - 2
Server permission desync
#319 opened by caxerx - 7
How to add prefix or suffix with "space"?
#318 opened by netherstar - 7
Increase speed of command Migration and Import
#317 opened by netherstar - 3
What is the permission node for custom commands? (MyCommand Plugin)
#316 opened by Canedox - 1
Priority in Groups
#315 opened by rlemish - 6
LP unable to load in bungee.
#314 opened by steven5297norton - 3
Storage type loading as H2 when mysql is chosen (1.12-pre5)
#313 opened by AlmightyZing - 6
Command to advance a player to at least a certain rank on a track
#312 opened by creator3 - 4
Using a single color code as prefix.
#311 opened by LukeFlynn - 3
Prefix not showing when using Split-Storage with user in MYSQL
#310 opened by RealFacedApollo - 10
Reset everyones rank back to default?
#309 opened by codibez - 1
ERROR]: Could not load 'plugins\LuckPerms-Bukkit-Legacy-3.2.9.jar' in folder 'plugins' org.bukkit.plugin.InvalidPluginException: Cannot find main class `me.lucko.luckperms.bukkit.LPBukkitPlugin'
#308 opened by tompointexe - 5
java.lang.String cannot be cast to net.md_5.bungee.config.Configuration
#307 opened by EmanYm - 10
[Question] The last packet successfully received from the server was 359,978 milliseconds ago.
#305 opened by BirkhoffLee - 1
Plugin not reading storage properly.
#304 opened by IBGnova - 11
Network sync with bungee stops working after a few hours
#303 opened by BrainStone - 1
java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: unable to create new native thread
#302 opened by Bolly12321 - 3
Plugin does not update Player Name in YAML Storage after a name change.
#301 opened by whilb - 1
Issue with LuckPerms
#300 opened by Jay9519 - 1
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: group.default
#299 opened by EmanYm - 1
Prefix not showing
#298 opened by batkins62 - 1
Groups are leaving
#297 opened by JaoPedronull - 1
migration Command not recognised.
#296 opened by bangbang93 - 1
LuckPerms.Autoop should override false-Perm from inheritation
#295 opened by Andre601 - 11
- 1
Luckperms not loading on Thermos
#293 opened by merjilin - 5
LuckPerms default group
#292 opened by imbeandon - 4
Caught two warns during my "/lp migration groupmanager false"
#291 opened by andrewkm - 0
I need help
#290 opened by arturek1666