- 1
[Suggestion] Adding wheight to creategroup-command
#497 opened by Andre601 - 16
Autoin support
#496 opened by ChoonJa - 2
Export options
#495 opened by voodootje0 - 6
Dynmap permissions lookup fail?
#494 opened by Dockter - 4
group-name-rewrite in mysql
#493 opened by voodootje0 - 8
Adding external permissions from other plugins
#492 opened by tborg2014 - 2
How do I fix this?
#491 opened by Shootingisgood9 - 1
temporary group
#490 opened by bombaroberta - 1
Weight/track system question
#489 opened by miguel456 - 1
Prefix not working?
#488 opened by DrOreo002 - 0
LuckPerms new translation: hu_HU (Hungarian)
#487 opened by montlikadani - 2
Luckperms and bungee
#486 opened by GothkittyGirl - 3
#485 opened by OpenSource03 - 3
#484 opened by SoulWolfX - 2
Java 9 Plus Spigot 1.12.2 error
#483 opened by wyatt-herkamp - 3
Its it Possible to import Ranks/UserInfo from GroupManager?
#482 opened by kingdevnl - 1
tab autocomplete isn't working as it should
#481 opened by c00ldude1oo - 9
[Suggestion] Bulk import and export
#480 opened by renzotom - 11
Java 9 Compatibility
#479 opened by leNicDev - 2
Permissions aren't working for bungeecord.
#478 opened by orangeman20002 - 7
How to set a other default group.
#477 opened by Shootingisgood9 - 2
command a exported file bug
#476 opened by KonoromiHimaries - 8
Prefix are broken
#475 opened by Shootingisgood9 - 0
time to expire group can not be exported
#474 opened by KonoromiHimaries - 7
[Suggestion] group permission info aliases
#473 opened by voodootje0 - 5
Permissions for subcommands
#472 opened by Mansarde - 3
fast remove perms
#471 opened by KonoromiHimaries - 3
Unable to read default minecraft.command nodes
#470 opened by onwee - 2
Excess output to console when chatting in game.
#469 opened by bnicholsonnc - 4
bungeechat permission
#468 opened by KonoromiHimaries - 12
i don't can remove double permission
#467 opened by KonoromiHimaries - 4
bungeecord plugin
#465 opened by Wqrld - 4
Prefix & Suffix change the Essentials display name
#463 opened by Skjido - 9
Player Login Issue
#462 opened by Spazzinq - 3
group x list autocomplete wrong
#461 opened by voodootje0 - 5
Symlink for multiple server permissions
#460 opened by Seeroh - 11
hack my server
#459 opened by KonoromiHimaries - 9
Weird issue after pex migration
#458 opened by q220 - 1
Command to remove only prefixes/suffixes
#457 opened by Eufranio - 2
group permission not being honered
#456 opened by Twidel - 25
Context for bungeecord plugin
#455 opened by TheFonsi - 0
When a player joins
#454 opened by LogGits - 1
Permissions not work
#453 opened by Andronachi-Marian - 4
How do I add some permissions? Such as /spawn,/home...
#452 opened by Sssssti - 1
Add CloudNet support
#451 opened by JarvisCraft - 3
Set User Group Based on Permission
#448 opened by hamcoremusic - 12
Bug to LuckPerms
#447 opened by PilovMike - 14
Issue with MySQL driver on Sponge
#446 opened by PixelmonPRO - 3
Permissions don't apply to user after parenting the to group.
#445 opened by Jaytractive - 2
Problem with conversion
#444 opened