- 1
BulkUpdate error running Mongo
#443 opened by TheDiamondBlock - 0
Group/user permissions filter suggestion.
#442 opened by voodootje0 - 1
#441 opened by bombaroberta - 1
To Luck Perms vs other plugins add Ultra permissions
#440 opened by renzotom - 1
Make program?
#439 opened by renzotom - 9
group-weight in config.yml
#438 opened by voodootje0 - 0
Send a more helpful message when the non legacy version of LP is installed on Bukkit 1.7
#437 opened by lucko - 5
Cannot parse MetaStackElement
#436 opened by mrcoffee1026 - 3
Ingame luckperms commands not working
#435 opened by nechtmarrie - 2
[Question] What's the best way to configure Nucleus permissions for admins?
#434 opened by joserobjr - 2
LuckPerms doesn't close Database-Connections?
#433 opened by higgs01 - 3
Temporarily parent changes.
#432 opened by voodootje0 - 11
Permissions daata could not be loaded
#431 opened by ucraft02 - 1
Global Groups
#430 opened by audizian - 1
Prefixes / Suffixes Not Working.
#429 opened by zachc2000 - 2
LuckPerms saves in MySQL unnecessary datas
#428 opened - 3
MySQL warn
#427 opened by xKendu - 1
Some questions
#426 opened by JohOply - 1
#425 opened by lesbleu - 3
LuckPerms doesn't assign Users to a group?
#424 opened by kokumaji - 1
Prefix Temp on addtemp group
#422 opened by MineSurvival - 1
Temporary Meta attributes get wrong context
#421 opened by Palpiter - 1
Feature request, temporary permissions count up
#420 opened by det483 - 1
Tab complete isn't working perfect.
#419 opened by voodootje0 - 5
LuckPerms not exporting prefixes correctly
#418 opened by PiggyPiglet - 1
Could not pass AsyncPlayerChatEvent
#417 opened by PaXo0 - 1
Question about a wiki sentence
#416 opened by 5igm - 1
[Suggestion]Could you add a feature about auto-rank?
#415 opened by 5igm - 2
[Question] Could explain more about set xxx false and unset?
#414 opened by 5igm - 3
mysql error
#413 opened by TheTechnologyStudio - 2
Get group display name via API
#412 opened by Eufranio - 2
Default Groups
#411 opened by Saelman - 1
Have world section for permission nodes YAML?
#410 opened by kmecpp - 2
WorldGuard max-region-count-per-group not working while using luckperms
#409 opened by Bodyash - 17
Bungeecord - Latest builds - Permission data could not be loaded
#408 opened by aljaxus - 0
Sponge could not pass FMLPreInitializationEvent to plugin
#407 opened by Coolfeather2 - 1
How to migrate all perms to a Mysql Database?
#406 opened by kingdevnl - 4
When removing rank, default isn't added directly.
#405 opened by voodootje0 - 5
#404 opened by xKendu - 3
IndexOutOfBoundsException with "permission settemp" command
#403 opened by afroman84 - 6
Issue with ColoredTags and Luckperms
#402 opened by MineTim - 4
How can I grant a group or a user all of permissions?
#401 opened by 5igm - 3
Make Web Editor Setting to disable it
#400 opened by Nightloewe - 1
MultiChat prefixes invisible
#399 opened by I-Tom-I - 2
Permissions worldedit.calc false does not work
#398 opened by Westus - 3
Shortened Versions of Most Common Commands?
#397 opened by kmecpp - 6
LuckyPerms for Modded Minecraft Server?
#396 opened by quin2k - 2
plugin ignore the essentials antibuild
#395 opened - 4
PlotSquared ''basicpermpack'' permission not working
#394 opened by misterjacket - 5
Permissions data could not be loaded. Please try again later.
#393 opened by etheaven