- 4
Promoting along track doesn't work.
#2772 opened by Aitnys - 1
ViaVersion is not a depend, softdepend or loadbefore of LuckPerms
#2771 opened by HandyHat - 0
ViaVersion is not a depend, softdepend or loadbefore of LuckPerms
#2770 opened by HandyHat - 3
Error when trying to create a new group
#2769 opened - 2
Rank color placeholder
#2768 opened by Teric7 - 3
[SEVERE] Server crashes every few minutes
#2766 opened by KhrysAK47 - 5
Long error messages after someone leaves
#2765 opened by GapiCer - 5
Permissions / Group being deleted when permissions are removed/expire
#2764 opened by rgaminecraft - 1
MongoDB SSLHandshakeException
#2763 opened by nanitook - 11
Parent meta gets also applied to user meta
#2762 opened by ItsMacs - 5
Registered permissions displayed in editor/tree are all lowercase
#2761 opened by jhenhapl - 3
[API] Filtering/matching of MetaNodes by key isn't case insensitive
#2760 opened by emilyy-dev - 3
Error in the console
#2759 opened by Sikatsu - 2
Incorrect placeholder expiry time
#2758 opened by ItWasEnder - 1
Joining my server gives a warning and then crashes the server
#2757 opened by stijnjw - 7
Luckperms with multiverse core
#2756 opened by TotaBank - 2
Bulk operations don't work properly on text based storage types.
#2755 opened by emilyy-dev - 15
Issue with Command Block
#2754 opened by BboyZeroOne - 1
Luck perms causes scoreboard issues
#2753 opened by JHarris12345 - 6
/lp track <track> editor
#2752 opened by baailey - 1
Permissions / Group being deleted from database with no user input
#2751 opened by MacTh3Mac - 6
Importing files to database
#2750 opened by GamingVexed - 3
PostgreSQL authentication type 10 is not supported
#2749 opened by SpraxDev - 1
MySQL problem
#2748 opened - 4
Issue with web editor
#2747 opened by Shansha26 - 1
LuckPerms Thread Dump
#2746 opened by NicoSenn123 - 3
Server crashes.
#2745 opened by MrMcyeet - 0
Permissions not updating at all
#2744 opened by Martijnkop - 4
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: me/lucko/luckperms/lib/adventure/translation/Translator
#2743 opened by axelrindle - 4
[Suggestion] Add Redis support as main storage
#2742 opened by Feniksovich - 3
Very Important Suggestion
#2741 opened by MaximMaximS - 4
Command to clear the logs
#2740 opened by DevJoey - 1
Prefix stacking
#2739 opened by Vese883 - 1
Cant set prefix to [Owner]
#2738 opened by NurvedL - 1
LuckPerms SLF4J: No SLF4J providers were found. warn
#2737 opened by GizliBaskan - 5
#2736 opened by ArcLand-Project - 1
Ranks Not updating.
#2735 opened by Kqmu - 2
`verbose command` command does not report LuckPerms' own permission checks
#2734 opened by emilyy-dev - 3
Error Luckperms-Bungee
#2733 opened by Skytoone - 5
Extra placeholder suggestion
#2731 opened by Denis99s - 3
Changing permissions of Group per world as well as individual.
#2730 opened by EvilPandaMan - 2
Problem with prefix
#2729 opened by DIMC09 - 1
Add a Module for CloudNet 3
#2727 opened by Blyrex - 2
Essential Warp sign/command cannot be use without being operator (spigot server)
#2726 opened by Thomas-Lecuppre - 1
prefixes don't work
#2724 opened by blobglib10 - 2
Luck Perms blocking console from sending anything (Commands and Messages)
#2723 opened by Shid0 - 7
Prefixes Aren't working
#2722 opened by Infinite2006 - 1
Since 5.3.32, advanced achievements is spamming console errors related to luckperms
#2721 opened by kelso6969 - 1
PvP issue for same groups
#2720 opened by di3da - 1
Erorr while joining during server startup for 1.8.8 paper
#2719 opened by milani23234