- 1
Actions not working properly [issue]
#105 opened by CleverLamp - 5
Player health is now 3 hearts
#104 opened by crazydud24 - 2
[1.1.5] Returning from The End makes you lose all morphs
#102 opened by kreezxil - 1
Zombies and skeleton do not burn in day light
#101 opened by fionn132 - 2
[1.1.4] Ice and Fire Fairy Morph steals its own items.
#100 opened by kreezxil - 7
Metamorph 1.1.6
#99 opened by mchorse - 1
Mo' Bends, more like NO Bends
#98 opened by Prince-Ghast - 1
metamorph problem
#97 opened by RippedSniper - 3
Conflict with Compact Machines 2
#96 opened by r3volut1on - 3
Help with my Morphs config?
#95 opened by OuroborosBoy - 0
Morph entity's world at client side is different from server side after entity change dimension
#94 opened by PinkaLulan - 1
Disable Bat Sound?
#93 opened by JasonBourne007 - 2
MetaMorph not working on the server 1.10.2
#92 opened by cc2k - 3
Adding Mobs into the Morphs.json
#91 opened by Freakyman403 - 5
Ghost Issue
#90 opened by Freakyman403 - 2
Damage when not in water should be part of water breath, not swim.
#89 opened by eyeonus - 1
Rapidly draining hunger
#88 opened by Labreris - 2
MorphEvent isn't fired when player entering world
#87 opened by PinkaLulan - 2
#86 opened by MLGSavagePanda - 1
Friendly mobs attack hostile morphs once player ride something
#85 opened by AileRozy - 5
POV server side issue
#84 opened by AileRozy - 2
#83 opened - 3
RenderSubPlayer doesn't preserve LayerRenderers from previous RenderPlayers
#82 opened by yrsegal - 2
[MC 1.12.2] Metamorph 1.1.4 works, but is not marked as such on Cruse
#80 opened by sandalle - 3
Compatibility Issue with VoidCraft - Upside Down Mobs / Leg Bows
#79 opened by KitKatarine - 5
Morphs not vanishing ever! Mc 1.12.2 Forge 93
#78 opened by P3rf3ctXZer0 - 12
morphs.json not working
#77 opened by Yakna - 3
Metamorph 1.1.5
#76 opened by mchorse - 2
Morphing does not respect player health values if non normal
#75 opened by LeChuckXIV - 3
Suggestion For blaze morph
#74 opened by ashly138 - 1
Crash - Serverside 1.12.1 (Mod Interaction - Scaling Health and MetaMorph)
#73 opened by P3rf3ctXZer0 - 4
Can't config mo'creatures mobs to fly
#72 opened by VoidFyre - 3
Configuring non-vanilla mobs to have extra abilities not working?
#71 opened by JEGomorph - 3
Grimoire of Alice's Youkai Book problems (1.10.2) (Mod Compatibility Issue)
#70 opened by GlitchReaper - 0
Hostile Mobs attack Bat morph despite hostile setting is set to true
#69 opened by NovaViper - 4
Mo' Creatures Werewolf not transforming
#67 opened by JEGomorph - 2
Enderman morph bugged
#66 opened by Decrepitdoors - 4
Crash caused by killing of tamed Mo' Creatures mobs
#65 opened by ArcanoxDragon - 3
Drop rate of morphs
#63 opened by zjgruber - 2
[1.12] Other players can't see dragon model
#62 opened by GodsVictory - 4
when i turn into some mobs others start attacking me
#61 opened by muhammadrafayasif - 1
Metamorph 1.1.4
#60 opened by mchorse - 1
When i turn into a zombie i don't burn in sunlight
#59 opened by muhammadrafayasif - 2
Noise Problem
#58 opened by norsetruth - 1
[1.12] Crash pressing enter key
#57 opened by tgstyle - 4
1.10.2 crash when opening creative morph menu
#56 opened by Decrepitdoors - 4
[1.12] Modifiying abilities doesn't seem to work
#55 opened by Pihrra - 5
Add support for Thermal Expansion
#54 opened by Skillotic0703 - 0
No immunity granted against Wither and Poison debuffs while morphed
#53 opened by Quizer9O8 - 6
Metamorph crashes on start up.
#52 opened by elgrandandy