- 20
Citizens not showing
#10301 opened by emilyxwardx - 1
Nordic spruce style mine getting stuck.
#10300 opened by starfall18 - 2
#10297 opened by Howman - 1
Game Crashes Upon placing supply camp/town hall
#10296 opened by MVSHY - 14
Replacing a hut always places at lvl 1
#10294 opened by yi-fan-song - 0
Townmap will only display the last map in inventory
#10293 opened by M-Kammler - 5
Unable to add food recipe to level 3 cookery
#10292 opened by MikuLittle - 1
crash when breaking plantation field block
#10285 opened by Talyda - 1
Vanilla recipes are not offered in the builder's settings -> "fill block" menu
#10280 opened by ncottrill - 1
Hovering over an icon in EMI crafting menu selection screen causes crash
#10279 opened by ncottrill - 2
Schematic Analyzer crashes game when hovering over it
#10276 opened by Neronya11 - 0
Duplication of Stash / Postbox
#10273 opened by Almandor - 1
Incan style uses default mineshafts because the style misplaced their own mineshafts
#10272 opened by Shadizar - 4
Waypoints Not Deleting
#10270 opened by Leviwulfish - 0
Spear crashes client
#10269 opened by IchHabeHunger54 - 2
Clipboard crash
#10267 opened by Seilican - 1
Cannot rebuild town hall after picking it up. Message "Error on placement! You are too close to an existing colony!" appears.
#10266 opened by Goldenheart176 - 4
AI log upload - Builder referencing null BlockEntity
#10264 opened by iangifford - 5
In 1.21, sometimes potted plants break when putting down supply camps/ships
#10263 opened by Shadizar - 1
Buildings with no racks undeliverable to
#10262 opened by Moobien - 1
Chunks getting Unclaimed after picking up a hut in the menu.
#10261 opened by FinalLavos - 4
Child buildings not being placed at correct rotation
#10260 opened by Talyda - 2
NPE in courier AI [1.21.1]
#10259 opened by IchHabeHunger54 - 4
Tool requests are broken if a previous tool has been consumed [1.21.1]
#10258 opened by IchHabeHunger54 - 0
Plantation not able to see external fields
#10257 opened by Mikec78660 - 3
Forester zoning mode not working
#10255 opened by Talyda - 1
Permissions do not save
#10253 opened by RickieGamer - 3
Bakery gives missing respective block error
#10252 opened by sendelp - 2
Pathfinding for courrier bugged
#10251 opened by Shazway - 1
Apiary not saving assigned hives
#10250 opened by Mikec78660 - 1
Builder Pathfinding fails to leave builder's hut.
#10249 opened by JaTolivar88 - 4
Warehouse Hut not accesible via hoppers (or other mod pipes)
#10246 opened by maashrafh - 3
Abandoned Lost Mesa Park has Fluid Placeholder blocks instead of water in 1.21.1
#10244 opened by kedamono - 2
Offset texture in Female Stone Smelter's skin
#10241 opened by vectorwing - 0
Citizens become stuck in Caledonia's "planters" (solid block bordered by DO panel)
#10240 opened by vectorwing - 7
Issue with delivery man unable to dump inventory
#10237 opened by Mikec78660 - 5
Deaths by fall damage
#10234 opened by TripleC3 - 0
Two rock are forcibly merged
#10233 opened by xianyullm - 0
Requests resolvable by 2 warehouses out of 3, must be resolved by the player
#10231 opened by TheRocket81 - 11
AI log upload
#10230 opened by pwaksman973 - 1
Colonists are not eating, not going to restaurant, and keep giving "I haven't had a decent meal in weeks..." message
#10225 opened by zambiers - 2
Build stage lost
#10223 opened by chriskeena - 1
My AI has run into a problem - JobDeliveryman.finishRequest - Cannot invoke com.minecolonies.api.colony.requestsystem.request.IRequest.childStateUpdated
#10222 opened by TheRocket81 - 0
Game crashes upon loading world with existing colony
#10220 opened by FatesTimelines1337 - 0
Decoration Controller overwritten as a Child when Parent upgraded
#10219 opened by thaylar - 5
java.util.UnknownFormatConversionException: Conversion = '.'
#10215 opened by anoxemian - 1
All couriers standing in warehouse, not delivering or picking up
#10214 opened by vincentreynolds - 2
AI log upload
#10212 opened by IAM-png - 2
Builder builds on a vine.
#10211 opened by fulmoonless - 1
Configliststudyitems issue.
#10210 opened by fulmoonless