- 1
[Bug Report] -
#106 opened by Solousia - 0
- 4
- 4
[Bug Report] - Solar Panels
#110 opened by Sunekaer - 1
[Feature Request] - Quantum Quarry Configs
#111 opened by snaiperskaya - 1
[Bug Report] - Molten Tool Head Issue
#154 opened by Baguetteaus - 1
[Bug Report] - Using a golden lasso on another player crashes both of them
#155 opened by LelouBil - 0
[Bug Report] - crash serveur
#156 opened by Beyondkev - 1
[Feature Request] - Spawn Mobs from every dimenestion with Blursed Earth
#114 opened by keckrich - 1
[Bug Report] - Fix Compatibility issues with FTB Mods
#115 opened by NarigudoBR - 1
[Feature Request] - Enchantment Descriptions
#119 opened by ObsidianFlight - 0
[INFO] - Roadmap
#117 opened by OneLemonyBoi - 1
[Feature Request] - Drum have comparator support
#118 opened by Pultex - 2
[Bug Report] - Ender ore spawn doesn't change
#121 opened by TGurl - 2
[Feature Request] - Utilities Book
#122 opened by MorganaLaLuna - 1
Mod Update
#123 opened by Gogo08190 - 2
[Feature Request] - Next update
#125 opened by Gogo08190 - 1
[Bug Report] -
#128 opened by magcicada - 0
Bug Report: Drums Consume Overfill
#126 opened by rmondy - 0
[Bug Report] - Shotgun Enchant Obtainable but Seemingly Unimplemented?
#127 opened by studkid - 0
[Bug Report] - - crash trying to break mechanical miner on sp
#130 opened by epeterse - 1
[Bug Report] - crash trying to break mechanical miner on sp
#129 opened by epeterse - 1
[Bug Report] - Dup laser port with Immersive hammer
#131 opened by Gogo08190 - 0
[Bug Report] - Duplication Glitch Drums and Mekanism Cardboard Boxes
#132 opened by TheonlyTazz - 1
[Bug Report] - Flame Lily Seeds not spawning on 1.18.2
#133 opened by etherealgears - 2
[Bug Report] Error spam when golden spikes hit mobs / No XP dropped
#136 opened by Xalcon - 1
[Bug Report] - Mechanical Placer not working correctly.
#134 opened by MeuPa - 0
[Feature Request] - Add a Mechanical Crafter.
#135 opened by MeuPa - 1
[Bug Report] - Molten Tool Head not working with Mechanical Miner
#137 opened by tetuis - 1
[REQUEST] Add Ender Quarry
#138 opened by xxMrPHDxx - 0
[REQUEST] Add compressed cobblestone/gravel/dirt
#139 opened by xxMrPHDxx - 2
[Bug Report] - 1.16.5 Villager Lasso
#140 opened by 77wisher77 - 1
[Bug Report] - Multiple controllers are connected to one group of solar panels.
#142 opened by TooManyLard - 3
[Bug Report] - Molten Tool Head destroys many blocks or their data
#143 opened by IminhaK - 0
[Bug Report] - Sidedness crash on servers
#146 opened by ukmcplyr - 1
[Bug Report] -
#145 opened by MrEizy - 6
Mini Utilities 1.20.1 - 4.0.0 DEDICATED SERVER CRASH
#147 opened by TheWitherlord - 2
Dupe bug
#148 opened by castilio20 - 1
[Bug Report - 1.20.1] Can't edit recipes with datapacks, CraftTweaker etc.
#149 opened by Gbergz - 0
1.19.2 - Cannot place laser hub
#150 opened by 2ndkirbyever - 0
Laser System
#151 opened by BobVonBob - 4
Quarry Crashing 1.19.2
#152 opened by turtlez142 - 3
[Bug Report] - 1.20.1 crashing on server load
#157 opened by Leclowndu93150 - 1
[Bug Report] 1.20.4 NeoForge: Mod does not load
#158 opened by MSandro - 6
[Bug Report] - Issue with flight
#159 opened by ThePansmith - 1
[Bug Report] - Golden Lasso and Random Patches
#160 opened by louwenus - 0
[Bug Report] - Ender ore generation ignores config
#161 opened by bochen415 - 0
[Bug Report] - Angel ring flight stops working when swapping tiems
#163 opened by MarcoSin42 - 0
Lag with text rendering
#164 opened by StockiesLad - 0
Lag with text rendering
#165 opened by StockiesLad