- 0
Feature Request: Absorption Hopper Upgrades/Options
#205 opened by sehaubold - 9
NoSpawn Tag Optional
#204 opened by TinyPandas - 2
Dreadful/Delightful dirt not spawning mobs in Compact Machine if player isn't in the compact machine
#209 opened by PieterLab - 1
Grass Growing on Delightful Dirt
#206 opened by shank3001 - 1
Modded Eggs
#207 opened by Abexyon - 1
[Bug?] Dreadful Dirt Inside of Nether Fortress Located in Warped Forest Biome Only Spawns Endermen
#208 opened by i2smrt4u - 0
Request: Solid, wither-proof block
#210 opened by Fenekhu - 1
Server crashed when use Mob Masher
#211 opened by cwc02777 - 0
Fluid XP directly subtracts hunger instead of adding exhaustion
#212 opened by James103 - 5
Delightful Dirt not spawning any mobs.
#213 opened by Trogdayton - 0
Bug with Ender Inhibiter
#216 opened by Vashta - 2
Question: XP Drain Singularity Tank & XP Tap
#214 opened by penturt - 1
Crash on dedicate server
#215 opened by Dustynzzz - 2
Bug: Entity Spawner only Spawns Mobs in NW Corner
#218 opened by getBoolean - 1
Delightful Dirt - Spawned grass and flowers prevent mob spawns
#219 opened by aronjanosch - 0
[Enhancement Req] Consider limiting rendering area when blocks are in front of mob fan
#220 opened by JustJinxed - 0
XP Tap crash when activated on a block's "disabled" face (Industrial Foregoing)
#223 opened by andrewsf - 0
Mob masher not inflicting damage
#221 opened by orangechickhen - 0
Quick Dumb Question About Servers and Modpacks
#222 opened by DrEpicSquidness - 0
Invalid IClientFluidTypeExtensions resulting in failure to connect to server with Moonlight Lib installed
#224 opened by Johni0702 - 0
XP Drain Tank Issues
#225 opened by DinnerBeef - 1
Xp solidifier sometimes poofs when mined
#226 opened by adamkad1 - 1
The Dirt
#227 opened by Soul-Rack - 2
#228 opened by xXjojojXx - 7
Mob Grinding Utils Crashes in JEI
#229 opened by MemeLord32 - 1
Liquid XP
#231 opened by Ackmard - 0
Make JEI category support Localization
#232 opened by StarskyXIII - 1
Mob fan and Absorption Dropper not functioning properly
#233 opened by The0neWh0Weep3 - 1
[request] About porting to Mobile
#234 opened by moxisuki - 5
Dreadful and delightful dirt spawns.
#236 opened by im-solar - 0
Potential crash due to parallel mod loading
#240 opened by embeddedt - 0
#237 opened by Switch-Back18 - 1
[1.16.5] Add a config for blacklist for Mobswab
#238 opened by Switch-Back18 - 1
entity spawner offset
#239 opened by Vashta - 7
strange massive perforamce drop after restarting server
#241 opened by Pultex - 4
Mob Masher Do not do damage
#243 opened by DogTrue - 2
Mob Masher kills don't truly count as player kills
#244 opened by drysdan - 1
#245 opened by MykytaKononov - 12
Mob masher not doing damage
#246 opened by desmondc474 - 1
Support added?
#247 opened by penturt - 1
[1.18.2] Mob Grinding Utils XP Drain Singularity Tank not properly saving XP
#248 opened by Sunekaer - 3
Dreadful dirt not spawning.
#249 opened by wampire3261 - 1
Mob swab didnt work in a golem to extract DNA
#250 opened by Tutofull - 1
how to Blacklist mob?
#251 opened by OhTanoshi - 5
Mob masher doesnt work with PMMO
#252 opened by troopertate - 1
Blacklist a mob from the Mob-Swab
#253 opened by Cornish-Kap - 2
Mob fans distance upgrades do not work
#254 opened by billbertking1 - 0
Can i use it in a modpack
#256 opened by Soleil-des-chats - 4
Fluid XP bucket not working
#255 opened by capasseidk - 4
Incompatible with cofh core
#257 opened by capasseidk