- 1
[Suggestion] Add different crafting components
#25 opened by OneEyeMaker - 1
[Bug] Item Output Bus incorrect stack merging
#26 opened by OneEyeMaker - 5
[1.12.1] Multiple issues.
#27 opened by Tokeli - 2
[1.12.2] MM + Blockcraftery Blueprint Preview Crash
#28 opened by KAfable - 6
Crash when trying to view blueprint
#29 opened by angelnc1989 - 1
(suggestion) modularium block
#32 opened by 0Navis0 - 0
Machines won't operate unless outputs are empty
#33 opened by josephcsible - 1
[Question] Would I have to...to...?
#34 opened by GazbonicAcid - 1
[Bug] Energy Duplication with Energy Input Hatch
#35 opened by OneEyeMaker - 0
Crash when trying to view blueprint.
#30 opened by Boolyman - 1
Machine Stops Processing After First Craft
#31 opened by Boolyman - 0
Issue in JEI recipe lookup
#38 opened by Madcock83 - 1
Flash of incorrect textures when you walk around structures
#36 opened by josephcsible - 3
[Suggestion] Optional Input Loss Parameter
#37 opened by MainFreak - 3
(question) how to make crusher/grinder/pulveriser recipes?(1.12.2)
#39 opened by SDUBZ - 1
1.6.5 incorrectly marked as compatible with 1.12 and 1.12.1 on Curse
#41 opened by josephcsible - 2
Recipe Research
#42 opened by whizzball1 - 1
JSON Variable Name Capitalization
#43 opened by SarahGreyWolf - 1
[Feature Suggestion] Ability to add or remove fluid with buckets.
#44 opened by Boolyman - 4
Can't get new machines to load
#46 opened by Sixdd6 - 2
Crash with limelib and Mekanism 1.12
#45 opened by Staegrin - 3
Split output fluids
#47 opened by pyure - 1
Pro-rate fluid outputs
#48 opened by pyure - 1
Tool to query block position relative to controller
#49 opened by angelnc1989 - 0
No source for 1.7.1
#50 opened by josephcsible - 0
Modular Machine Multiblock voiding/deleting blocks within its range upon reload
#51 opened by KAfable - 1
[Feature Request] Modularium Plates
#52 opened by Darkosto - 3
[Feature Request] CraftTweaker Support
#53 opened by justinrusso - 0
Suggestion: allow machine variables in arrays
#54 opened by pyure - 1
- 1
- 0
Feature Request: Allow Each Blueprint in JEI to show how to construct the machine
#57 opened by Darkosto - 0
Feature Request: Have a tooltip to show total blocks for the machine you're looking at
#58 opened by Darkosto - 3
Feature Request: Give out of power warning
#59 opened by Darkosto - 0
Feature Request: Holding Shift stops the blocks from rotating in the machine preview
#60 opened by Darkosto - 1
- 12
gamestages support?
#62 opened by AmazigJj - 0
crash opening blueprint with better with mods blocks in it
#63 opened by mvdhoning - 3
[suggestion] redstone input and output blocks
#65 opened by mvdhoning - 1
[suggestion] save progress on invalidating machine
#64 opened by mvdhoning - 1
[Suggestion] Allow for a custom item texture/icon per machine
#66 opened by mvdhoning - 4
[Suggestion] Output Hatch Consistency
#67 opened by MrNoe93 - 2
Allow per-tick fluid inputs
#68 opened by pyure - 0
[Suggestion] Inconsistency between displayName and the block name used in Blueprint List Previews
#69 opened by KAfable - 0
More processes occur than expected when liquid is supplied slowly
#70 opened by co32h - 2
[Suggestion] Implement a way for players to order their blueprints in JEI
#71 opened by KAfable - 1
Problem With Parts Labelled as "Accepts Mekanism Gas"
#72 opened by Boolyman - 0
Recipe Total Energy JEI Display Hitting Int Limit Overflow
#73 opened by KAfable - 1
Removing required input doesn't stop current process
#74 opened by Matryoshika - 4
[Rendering Bug]
#75 opened by KAfable