- 3
World generation freezes with origins mod
#279 opened by poopman97 - 2
Map loading freezes at a certain percentage.
#280 opened by livelyeko - 0
entity_glow power type does not properly test for certain conditions.
#281 opened by anticode-403 - 3
I am unable to even get the mod in minecraft
#282 opened by divno - 1
On power modify_damage_taken, self_action is executed regardless of whether the damage fullfills damage_condition
#283 opened by JumperREDACTED - 3
prevent_item_use power doesn't affect elytra
#284 opened by JumperREDACTED - 1
damage_over_time power uses an interval of 20 ticks regardless of what you set it as
#285 opened by JumperREDACTED - 1
game crashes if you use prevent block selection power on all blocks without exception
#289 opened by JumperREDACTED - 4
modImplementation for addons is no longer functional
#288 opened by MerchantPug - 1
prevent_block_selection power doesn't prevent selection of certain blocks
#290 opened by JumperREDACTED - 0
Using an axis other than Z when space is not "world" causes unpredictable results.
#291 opened by apace100 - 1
protection enchantment bug(?)
#292 opened by SpinnyBoiii - 1
Missing issues tag in the fabric.mod.json file.
#293 opened by K0-RR - 0
Nullpointer | Origins 0.7.1 (1.16.5)
#294 opened by Kroko1337 - 2
Origins doesn't load custom powers for custom origins (making a datapack)
#295 opened by shwmid - 1
Phantoms can't phase through chains
#296 opened by brockfernape - 1
Incompatibility with Dehydration.
#297 opened by K0-RR - 0
[BUG] Origins that use pehkui get out of whack
#299 opened by ryleu - 2
[Bug] origins:prevent_block_selection doesn't work with non full blocks
#303 opened by diamonddevv - 2
modify_xp_gain working unpredictably
#300 opened by JustCyra - 1
[Suggestion] Tertiary Ability Key
#301 opened by diamonddevv - 1
[Suggestion] /origin Check argument
#302 opened by diamonddevv - 2
power:entity group bug
#304 opened by SpinnyBoiii - 1
disable_regen does not work
#306 opened by SgerbwdGwyn - 5
Issue with climbing power
#305 opened by LurkingFox6539 - 1
Execute command value with datapacks
#308 opened by LurkingFox6539 - 1
Says I need origin mod when joining server even though I already have it?
#309 opened by ChronicallyZER0 - 0
entity_action_chosen of action_on_callback not called in situation mentioned by wiki
#307 opened by Alluysl - 0
LivingEntityRendererMixin Conflicts
#310 opened by Aelpecyem - 1
Multiple power breaking sub-powers randomly
#311 opened by JustCyra - 3
Brightness condition not functioning properly with shader power type
#312 opened by Alluysl - 1
Hud Renders overlap with mount health
#314 opened by apace100 - 3
Origins not working on server
#316 opened by PochiBuns - 1
I keep getting the error message "Could not find required mod: origins requires {fabric @ [>=0.29.4]}" and I don't know what to do
#317 opened by AceShep - 0
[bug] "moving" entity condition doesn't target entities properly
#318 opened by j3d3 - 2
6.1 origin mod won't work
#319 opened by yesternight10 - 0
Origins keeps crashing
#320 opened by Sto3rm-Clan - 1
Master of Webs
#321 opened - 3
Every time I load into a world the loading screen freezes and the only way to get out of it is to restart my computer
#322 opened by Gumpy1 - 1
[Netty Client IO #5/ERROR]: Encountered exception while handling in channel with name "origins:power_list" java.lang.NullPointerException: null
#325 opened by BusterZlista2 - 1
#324 opened by DarkHydriegon - 2
Cat vision causes the world to turn black at night.
#327 opened by Cookie-Kurokami - 0
The Bumblezone compat with Origins
#328 opened by TelepathicGrunt - 1
Generic protection armor not protecting against water damage to enderians
#329 opened by caek88 - 3
action_self doesn't accept anything other then primary keys
#330 opened by JustCyra - 2
Support for new Minecraft Version 1.17
#331 opened by JuliusBrueggemann - 1
[Forge] Other origins die and are respawn in the nether
#332 opened by einasota - 2
Crash with Optifine and Optifabric
#333 opened by C0DEHADES - 1
Updating from 1.16 to 1.17 breaks elytras
#334 opened by Sl1pstr3am - 2
Conduit no longer functioning for Merling (1.17)
#335 opened by JackStoner