- 3
Game Breaking Freeze when going above 6 bar on pressure chamber
#401 opened by teron281 - 4
Drones are unable to place fluid sources in flowing liquids
#402 opened by MuteTiefling - 2
RF Widget typo in Patchouli manual
#403 opened by MuteTiefling - 2
Agitated slime spawner abnormal behavior
#404 opened by Tlotro - 5
Dig Area widget appears to break if dig speed is too high.
#405 opened by MuteTiefling - 2
Pressure Chamber massive lagspike when completed.
#406 opened by Sakata-MC - 1
textures with png extension are formatted as jpeg
#407 opened by artheus - 3
Charging module to Aerial interface excessive tick time
#408 opened by Sakata-MC - 8
Crash with custom Thermopneumatic Processing Plant Recipe
#409 opened by MuteTiefling - 1
Patchuli Causes minecraft to crash
#411 opened by Marius-Ventrue - 1
Random crash
#410 opened by DevTimur - 2
Shift Clicking GPS with no Coords in Air Cannon Crashes Client/Server
#412 opened by xJon - 1
[Suggestion] Some new blocks
#413 opened by DevTimur - 1
Moving compressed block via piston into position currently taken by heatsink causes crash.
#414 opened by Sakata-MC - 3
Minigun loading corrupting world
#415 opened by CyberneticSquid - 3
Crash on world load NullPointerException RenderLastWorldEvent
#416 opened by Lehren - 7
Crash on startup
#417 opened by idnthvn - 3
addDrillLaserRecipe(Input, Output) Not functioning
#418 opened by MappaCrappa - 2
[Feature Request] Variable displays in tooltips
#420 opened by ThizThizzyDizzy - 1
Drop down box text is truncated upon editing the widget
#419 opened by ThizThizzyDizzy - 3
[Bug] conditionEntity not a runnable action for drone interfaces
#421 opened by ChocoPuppy - 5
Computercraft control issues
#422 opened by ThizThizzyDizzy - 2
Regulator Tube Module is being ignored
#423 opened by Goddfrey - 1
Crash with pressure chamber enchanting
#424 opened by ThizThizzyDizzy - 2
[Suggestion] Enchanted book separation
#425 opened by ThizThizzyDizzy - 5
Plastic mixer CT method extension
#429 opened by wormzjl - 3
All enchantments are applied, regardless of compatibility
#426 opened by ThizThizzyDizzy - 4
Pressure chamber interior overflows with items when disenchanting
#427 opened by ThizThizzyDizzy - 3
Programmer returned puzzle pieces can be output to assembly arms
#428 opened by ThizThizzyDizzy - 2
Suggestion: Allow the compressor to compress gas other than air
#430 opened by wormzjl - 7
Pneumatic Helmet crashes game
#431 opened by greengameplayer - 2
Thermo Pneumatic Processor, -Bar does not display in JEI correctly/at all
#433 opened by drhaber - 2
Heat Frame Cooling JEI Entry Issue
#432 opened by drhaber - 4
Draining Thermopneumatic Processeing machine
#434 opened by kaedenreese - 3
some sort of nonfatal liquid registry conflict between this and BuildCraft
#435 opened by Twisted-Code - 1
[Suggestion] Charging OpenComputers' Nanomachines via Aerial Interface
#436 opened by ThizThizzyDizzy - 8
Thermopneumatic Processing Plant not working
#437 opened by Chibu68 - 10
Disappearing Logistics Frames
#439 opened by MuteTiefling - 2
Crash when using the elevator.
#440 opened by thiago1255 - 4
1.14.4 Hackable tracking kills FPS
#441 opened by Qsandas - 2
Elevators floor is sometimes invisible
#443 opened by agentwolf88 - 3
Thermopneumatic Processing Plant explodes after going past 1 bar of pressure
#442 opened by Solverbolt - 1
Gasoline is registered as <liquid:fuel>
#444 opened by H-QueerCoded - 6
Max Distance for Drone Programming Move To Action
#445 opened by MuteTiefling - 2
Programmable Controllers cannot interface RF
#447 opened by MuteTiefling - 2
Unable to hide Neat's status bars on Programmable Controller
#448 opened by MuteTiefling - 4
[Discussion] Drone Programming Best Practices
#446 opened by MuteTiefling - 2
[1.14.4] Apostrophes in signs can cause client-side "missing method definition"
#449 opened by noobanidus - 4
Missing Texture for new TPP Move Fluid button
#450 opened by MuteTiefling - 3
[Crash] Updating screen events for manual
#451 opened by RedneckNoob