- 1
Register energy configs as common configs
#201 opened by NielsPilgaard - 0
Configurability for solid Reactor coolants
#200 opened by NielsPilgaard - 0
#202 opened by EnticingEmoji - 1
[Suggestion] Array of solar panels could connect together to extract power
#203 opened by Raidobw2 - 0
[Suggestion] Allow discharging of another mod items
#204 opened by LuciusV - 1
Unclear how to properly use the wrench and no explanation to be found
#205 opened by SamayaNL - 1
Unclear what the Generation Factor means on Reactors.
#206 opened by jvgoch - 3
1.18 port?
#210 opened by JackTWing - 0
Feature Request: CC Tweaked Energy Capacity Integration
#207 opened by proferabg - 2
I/O mode counter-intiuitive
#208 opened by khthe8th - 1
Auto mode Issue
#211 opened by SiriosDev - 0
Magmators generate less RF than they specify
#213 opened by NielsPilgaard - 1
Reactor blocks have issues stacking
#214 opened by SakiSkai - 0
(request) uraninite ore dict with uranium ore
#215 opened by mrgreaper - 9
Your Discord account has been comprised..
#216 opened by Kantmoo - 0
#218 opened by kao7788 - 0
Solar Panels not generating power in RFtoolsDimensions eternal day biome.
#219 opened by Jmaannn - 2
Ender Cells lose all power storage added
#164 opened by heyimdownhere - 4
Player Transmitter + Dimensional Binding Card doesn't work at all past chunk
#166 opened by zandrro - 0
Sorting Inventory when holding stacked unstackable items causes overflowing items to vanish
#167 opened by AwesmePersn - 1
Crash Game
#168 opened by harmalom - 3
Energy Cables' large NBT data causes Badly Compressed Packet error from Server
#169 opened by ChristopherHoffman - 2
Feature Request: Disable specific generators
#170 opened by UnseenAcademical - 0
Energy cells can be waterlogged
#171 opened by ochotonida - 2
Mekanism Universal Cables can pull more than a generator's extraction Limit
#172 opened by MuteTiefling - 0
uraninite_raw_from_dense and uraninite_raw_dense_to_poor conflict
#173 opened by aaronhowser1 - 2
[1.16.5] Crash when placing a Powah Energy Cable ontop of @Pipez Energy Pipes w/ Energizing Rods ontop.
#174 opened by Gbergz - 1
[Suggestion] For Automation Using Refined Storage
#175 opened by anomalousmc - 0
Crashing Issue
#176 opened by thelapisfox - 3
Server Crashes as it is un-able to find the lollipop library.
#177 opened by sarisman84 - 4
No documentation
#178 opened by andreas-hartmann - 0
#179 opened by GalaxyGamerYT - 1
[1.16.5] Lens of the ender creation only works if player holds over 1 Photoelectric Pane
#180 opened by NielsPilgaard - 0
No solar generation in rftools dimensions permanent day dims
#182 opened by EmilyV99 - 0
Can cable not connect to themselves request
#183 opened by Pultex - 1
Mined cables don't stack with cables already in inventory when an active battery is charging inventory
#184 opened by Random832 - 0
Infinity Drill(Industrial Foregoing) can dupe Player Transmitter
#185 opened by MojangPlsFix - 0
CraftTweaker support?
#186 opened by vizthex123 - 1
Reactor blocks do not properly render underwater.
#187 opened by Flanks255 - 0
(Suggestion) config to override Furnator fuels
#188 opened by Gitcrafter - 1
Cables fill chunkdata with junk, making players unable to connect.
#189 opened by turulix - 0
Solar panel (starter) shows 50 FE/t not 5FE/t
#190 opened by OmgImAlexis - 1
Powah Mod 1.16.5 Version 2.3.16 Thermo Plates Bugged On All The Mods 6 Modpack.
#192 opened by BigMoodOvi - 0
(Suggestion) Add posibility to remove Cells from ender cell channel
#193 opened by SteamDragon - 1
Thermo generators bug in multiplayer
#194 opened by Kenzo0126 - 5
Energizing Orb is not allowing pumping out items.
#195 opened by RainbowTabitha - 1
Starter Magmator Missing Texture
#196 opened by enderger - 1
Ender Cell Private Channel [Suggestion]
#197 opened - 1
Game Crash
#198 opened by KEStutzman - 1
REQ Cross-mod compatibility with AE2 Interface Blocking Mode
#199 opened by xenoflot