- 2
Mod Spams Console, No Startup
#126 opened - 3
Null Exception Warning
#127 opened by kmiller9292 - 14
Implement VirusTotal(or antivirus software) to scan for viruses
#128 opened by Dolphin2Point1 - 1
Some folders in the Minecraft config folder do not sync
#129 opened by HeckinDuplex - 17
Crash server
#130 opened by SchlafenderFox - 4
Failed to obtain input/output streams for client
#131 opened by SecretGreatDeveloper - 5
Server Crash by: java.lang.NullPointerException
#132 opened by Haocen2004 - 1
Is this still being worked on?
#133 opened by P3rf3ctXZer0 - 74
Investigating - Serversync file syncing issues.
#134 opened by P3rf3ctXZer0 - 1
Fabric Server Support
#135 opened by ZL1LAC - 9
Implement configurable client queue
#136 opened by P3rf3ctXZer0 - 4
Why ServerSync is very important
#137 opened by P3rf3ctXZer0 - 29
Deleting random files, instead of pushing/replacing them.
#139 opened by Boymann - 2
Serversync should add itself to the Minecraft launcher
#140 opened by posicat - 6
Folder ignore list
#142 opened by MarioSMB - 1
reproduce files
#143 opened - 5
Client times out when ignoring too many files.
#144 opened by slidedrum - 3
Add support for syncing client files using cloud storage (drive,dropbox,etc)
#145 opened by elhertz - 8
Serversync fails to write anything in clientmods folder
#146 opened by CJenkins93 - 0
Client config is deleted during sync.
#147 opened by rheimus - 3
Mod cannot be loaded Forge version to new
#150 opened by Lice2 - 5
Unable to send configs to client - This can and will be a huge issue if not dealt with.
#151 opened by P3rf3ctXZer0 - 9
Windows requires a valid application signature in order to not block exe.
#154 opened by P3rf3ctXZer0 - 0
Serversync never opens
#93 opened by The-Box1 - 5
[Server] Implement LAN support for starting serversync
#94 opened by P3rf3ctXZer0 - 2
[Client] Add external theme file
#95 opened by rheimus - 4
Ignoring Ignore Lists ServerSync 1.12.2
#96 opened by P3rf3ctXZer0 - 1
Serversync should not transfer itself when added via forge loading method
#97 opened by rheimus - 1
[Client] Investigate performance on lower end machines
#98 opened by rheimus - 0
[Client][Server] Implement hard crash when config can not be accessed
#99 opened by rheimus - 0
[Client][Server] Implement file manager for sanity's sake
#100 opened by rheimus - 5
Client Not Getting Config Modifications
#101 opened by P3rf3ctXZer0 - 3
Config Problems
#102 opened by badboysuper - 3
File duplication on Client Side
#103 opened by yotthani - 0
[Client] Inform the user when the mods directory can not be found
#110 opened by rheimus - 7
Enhancement Request: Remove files found on client that are "ignored" in config
#111 opened by syndicate25 - 9
muiltmc after serversync is complete minecraft wont start (crashing on .meta files?)
#112 opened by cmspeedau - 6
Files listed in client ignore list are not being ignored
#113 opened by syndicate25 - 1
Allow to exclude directory in config. Feature Request
#114 opened by ZiroGX2 - 6
Server crash due to config folder not in blacklist mode
#115 opened by syndicate25 - 5
Twitch Integration
#116 opened by TakunSho - 6
Issues setting up
#117 opened by techtonictech - 1
Could not bind port?
#118 opened by ajaxxxxxxx - 15
Hostname IP resolution on client side
#120 opened by raindropworks - 5
Close serversync in update time
#119 opened by gollariel - 6
Serversync Status Update
#121 opened by P3rf3ctXZer0 - 3
[Feature Request] [Server] Real time config reload
#122 opened by raindropworks - 5
Possibly Glob issue?
#123 opened by raindropworks - 2
[Server][Feature Request] Add file redirecting
#124 opened by rheimus - 1
Create proper testing suite
#125 opened by rheimus