- 1
Charcoal duplication through processing cable
#291 opened by LeonardoStrik - 1
[1.16.1] Receipe Broken
#292 opened by BedrockLegends - 6
Chest invisibles and Bug
#293 opened by Antoniovr07 - 3
Rendering Screen Crash
#294 opened by TobyTech28 - 1
[1.12] SSN export cables & RFC filiing cabinets don't play well together
#295 opened by Spongman - 1
java.lang.NoSuchMethodError crash on Valhelsia2 v2.2.5a server
#296 opened by coffeeordeath - 3
game crash when connect the wire from the chests to the system and open the crafting GUI [1.16.1]
#297 opened by KhanhPham05 - 0
Server crash when crafting nuggets into ingots
#298 opened by Spleth - 10
Player model disappears when I open request block
#299 opened by blkarcher77 - 5
Crash in gui when typing in search bar
#300 opened by astocky - 1
storage becomes transparent
#301 opened by loonywolf - 2
Expand Inventory View
#302 opened by Syndrome1986 - 1
Dupe bug
#303 opened by NordicGamerFE - 2
Quark Chest Compatability
#304 opened by Mystogrigen - 2
#305 opened by bader122333 - 1
Gui crash when opening storage network
#306 opened by CaptMir - 2
Remotes don't work properly (?)
#308 opened by PCat4L - 1
[1.16.1] OpenGL error or crash when accessing network
#307 opened by DonutCatDev - 3
Server Crash 1.16.3
#309 opened by ClaudiusMinimus - 1
Hands and Block Breaking Animation not appearing after closing the access and crafting interface
#310 opened by MoreKerosine - 1
Search Broken in 1.16.3
#311 opened by ClaudiusMinimus - 1
Suggestion: allow link cable segments to link to multiple containers
#312 opened by WrongWeekend - 1
Link Cables Incapable of connecting with Bibliocraft Bookcases
#313 opened by Char022 - 0
Nbt items
#314 opened by epeeforteyt - 1
Export cables with Operation Upgrades causing a lot of TPS lag (1.12.2)
#315 opened by fzzyhmstrs - 3
1.16.1 | Version 1.0.0 | Entities stop rendering when storage system is opened
#317 opened by vertex235 - 1
Error Executing Task - 1.12.2
#318 opened by Rynslet - 1
1.15.2 inventory link priority setting
#319 opened by PrincessRTFM - 19
simplestoragenetwork Not compatible with Overloaded 1.16.3-1.16.4
#321 opened by IchigoGames - 9
simplestoragenetwork compatible issue with Overloaded Mod 1.16.3-1.16.4
#323 opened by IchigoGames - 6
Lag Machine with Storage Drawers
#324 opened by Divineaspect - 1
Crash after deleting jei
#325 opened by OffsetMonkey538 - 1
Export cable on huge network causing massive TPS lag
#327 opened by magiruuvelvet - 2
Storage System over several Chunks
#328 opened by Patrick1417 - 3
crash whilst linking AE2 system and storage network
#329 opened by Nenwar - 0
Crafting table won't use tags to craft items via JEI for modded blocks.
#331 opened by krlenell - 2
StackOverflow during block tick event as item pushed into full network
#332 opened by emanb29 - 1
Storage Request Table dupe glitch
#334 opened by xaracen-xen - 5
How to lower the Crafting Remote Range
#333 opened by celsiusqc - 0
Remote eats items
#335 opened by Domagoj-Tomic - 3
[1.16.5] missing items, moving root gives alternating results
#337 opened by Knito58 - 2
1.16.4 Ticking block entity crash
#336 opened by mnsnownutt - 1
Weird Text bug with Russian Language
#338 opened by forebordingsky - 4
Crash with storage drawers
#339 opened by benbenlaw - 1
MacOS cannot start up
#340 opened by Swedz - 1
Crash when attempting to use building remote (NoClassDefFoundError)
#342 opened by LemmaEOF - 1
Crash with Network Exchange Interface
#343 opened by RegularKitsune - 1
Server crash with cables being connected
#344 opened by Swedz - 1
Network Guide Book recipe ID
#345 opened by KajesLorian - 1
Stock upgrade dosnt work with export cable
#346 opened by itgenie98