- 0
All the textures being messed up
#20 opened by qw0rou - 1
Uninstalling the mod breaks replay mod files.
#21 opened by Gadgetman1 - 1
Cherry Blossoms leaves are yellow with this mod
#22 opened by Blaize63 - 5
Config with enable/disable and intensity slider
#1 opened by Julienraptor01 - 17
Block registry misalignment with non-modded servers
#2 opened by olivergame - 2
Crash when rendering "leaf blocks" from Blockus
#3 opened by SplendidAlakey - 5
Incompatible with Fabric Seasons
#4 opened by Multiinventor - 1
Incompatibility with Ecologics
#5 opened by Flypaste - 1
When I join my fabric server with a vanilla client it completely bugs out. (screenshot below)
#7 opened by Lemmitsen - 1
Possible compat issue with Quilt
#8 opened by Sunconure11 - 2
Update to 1.19.1/1.19.2 needed
#9 opened by PweSol - 1
Client only?
#10 opened by pavog - 1
v0.1.3 is broken due to falsely inverted if-condition
#11 opened by Fuzss - 2
Does not work
#12 opened by ReasonMakes - 9
Incompatibility with a mod
#13 opened by ReasonMakes - 0
#14 opened by seriousfreezing - 0
#15 opened by theRookieCoder - 8
Incorrect colouring of cherry leaves
#16 opened by ColonelGerdauf - 2
Breaks leaf falling mechanics
#18 opened by klugemonkey - 1
weird server problems
#19 opened by Kaiji-Key - 0
Incompatible with LeavesBeGone
#24 opened by Ydm2 - 3
Leaves in Inventory are Invisible
#25 opened by Glazzyy - 0
Blocks on servers change and look weird
#26 opened by nenamoree9 - 1
[MIRROR] Blocks on servers are switched up and look weird
#27 opened by nenamoree9