- 0
Guard zone, saving settings
#116 opened by Unrealhyped - 0
Avoid campfires & magma blocks
#103 opened by NightKosh - 0
[1.19.2beta] NullPointerException at WolfFoodConfigScreen
#93 opened by DashieDev - 4
[1.19.2] Cannot start server with the mod
#94 opened by NerineHub - 0
AI to auto attack hostile mobs
#104 opened by NightKosh - 0
AI for guard mode
#105 opened by NightKosh - 0
Dog tag has several bugs
#106 opened by Jonpc042 - 0
#108 opened by NightKosh - 0
NPE near creeper
#109 opened by NightKosh - 1
Game crashes after opening commands menu on dog
#110 opened by DaGolla - 6
Mod Conflict
#112 opened by P4YN-Ki - 1
wolf models are... odd
#114 opened by Necrochromatic425 - 0
Incompatible with Alex's Mobs
#115 opened by LightFishYT - 0
#117 opened by Fireworkstars46 - 2
Spam Spawning
#78 opened by Thethuthinnang - 0
Use new render registration system for better compat
#79 opened by itsmeow - 0
[3.13.7] sophisticated wolves burn out in fire
#80 opened by ilvrak - 0
Wolves types
#81 opened by NightKosh - 1
Sophisticated wolves mod incompatibility
#82 opened by t2pellet - 0
Dogs are suicidal
#83 opened by Tohricat - 0
Wolf Stuck In Dry-Off Animation Loop
#84 opened by IdrisQe - 1
Parrot Pet Carrier Glitch (Visual)
#85 opened by PiordaNautor - 1
Attack villagers
#86 opened by Arctic90x - 1
Shift+Click while holding item in a dog food bowl menu crashes client.
#87 opened by diamondwyrm - 5
Pet carrier not working
#88 opened by sergifs - 0
[Suggestion] Compat with Let Sleeping Dogs Lie
#89 opened by mxnmnm - 0
[ 1.12.2 ] Dog tails won't sit right
#91 opened by Violet-Assassin - 0
Movement & teleportation in water
#48 opened by NightKosh - 1
S. Wolves turning into Blizz
#49 opened by Kira-Kit - 0
Crash with Dog Bowl (and disappearing food)
#50 opened by Lethann - 0
Server Crash, OutOfMemoryError
#51 opened by Pirog17000 - 2
Config - Spawn Probability info request
#52 opened by DWX12 - 1
Lost my dogs to the Nether
#53 opened by Geethebluesky - 5
Wolves not spawning (Except for Vanilla)
#54 opened by TheLunarArtemis - 0
Option ot disable wolves walking through each other
#55 opened by NightKosh - 2
Carrier not working properly
#56 opened by mxnmnm - 1
Wolves stuck in not solid blocks at whistle usage.
#57 opened by NightKosh - 2
[SUGGESTION] Animania support
#58 opened by Sunconure11 - 8
#59 opened by NightKosh - 3
[SUGGESTION/COMPAT] Registering entities in preinit and not init
#66 opened by itsmeow - 1
Texture Pack not Texturing wolves?
#63 opened by tetsune - 0
API to get villager ID and name
#67 opened by NightKosh - 0
Pet carriers can't be used on non tameable modded mobs
#69 opened by NightKosh - 1
Crash with Dog bowl (Incompatible with other mod's chests)
#70 opened by SeanChengN - 0
Crash with Dog bowl (Incompatible with other mod's chests)
#71 opened by SeanChengN - 0
Add a Retrieving mode for wolves
#73 opened by MokoBlack - 0
Setting EnablePetsSeller=false in the config does not disable the Pets Seller villager
#74 opened by Luke616 - 1
Feature request: Whitelist/blacklist for creatures the pet carrier can/cannot pick up
#75 opened by Not-February - 0
Ice and Fire baby dragons get stuck in pet carrier
#76 opened by Not-February - 1
Mob ID for wolf includes a path.
#77 opened by frakier