- 0
Prismarine Cane + propelpant cane drops nothing upon broken
#138 opened by thelegitdolt - 6
Weird Issue with Terraforged and structure generation
#130 opened by JarOfTar - 1
[1.16.5] Crash in multiplayer when using map on a bed
#133 opened by Lgmrszd - 10
[Suggestion] ComputerCraft Tweaked support for the speaker block
#135 opened by Ch1216 - 2
[ Request ] Different Cog Block Textures & Break Sounds
#136 opened by zndrmn - 12
Not compatible with Mohist
#115 opened by deceased-a - 0
Request: Golems with Villager skin makes villager hurting sounds instead of vanilla golem hurting sound
#111 opened by warning-djkajslh - 0
Suggestion: Enchanted book duplicator
#112 opened by warning-djkajslh - 1
Recipe for Deepslate lamp crafts the blackstone lamp instead
#113 opened by NJL5390 - 2
Can't craft spring/piston launcher
#114 opened by ChildishGiant - 9
1.17 Compatibility
#123 opened by gohkenytp - 3
Client crashes when placing or loading chunk with a flower box.
#116 opened by Lightman314 - 2
Breaking a Flower Pot that has Flax Seeds in it Destroys the Pot (and seeds)
#117 opened by Cinderheart - 1
Compatibility issue with Halogen
#118 opened by PaperTriangle - 2
Crash on startup
#119 opened by mcenderdragon - 1
[Suggestion] Add a config to disable sign editing
#120 opened by Nebula240 - 3
Flax is replaceable with wheat seeds
#128 opened by lamoyrl90 - 2
The 1.16 branch currently has an invalid loot table for flax blocks.
#129 opened by Vaelzan - 1
Safe crash
#125 opened by jeremiahwinsley - 3
Jar Enchantment Table crash
#126 opened by mortuusars - 7
Loot Modifiers for vanilla loot tables missing in master folder
#127 opened by thelegitdolt - 2
Need to connect multiplayer server twice with ’scaling health‘ installed
#81 opened by Tidy-Bear - 2
conflict with quark
#80 opened by me6669 - 9
Dev Enviroment
#82 opened by gingershaped - 3
Crash from punching sign post
#83 opened by Traverse-Joe - 3
Client crash when right-clicking water jars with Tea Kettle
#84 opened by Carloslionheart - 5
Payload to large exception 0.14.4*, 0.14.3
#85 opened by CKY- - 5
Incompatibility with optifine; Causes OpenGL error spam
#86 opened by TLATER - 0
- 3
[Suggestion] Support for Serene Seasons mod for plantable crops
#88 opened by Smokedeuch - 1
Crash When Planting Rose in the Flower Box
#89 opened by Darkosto - 0
Adding compatibility for jars and Create filling/emptying
#90 opened by p3lim - 2
Colored blocks do not render properly in framed blocks
#91 opened by Vazkii - 7
Compatibility issue with Create (Schematicanon and wall lantern)
#92 opened by HateMeLikeAPro - 4
Severe chunk saving issues on servers with Supplementaries 0.15.2
#93 opened by NJL5390 - 1
Game Crashes After Placing Either The Endergetic Sconce Or The Infernal Expansion Sconce
#94 opened by jodlodi - 5
1.16.5 - 36.2.2 - 0.15.2 - Server "Failed to store chunk"
#95 opened by Snaitf - 4
[Suggestion] Pulley piston
#96 opened by theishiopian - 1
[Suggestion] More piston functionality
#97 opened by theishiopian - 3
Tinker's seared lantern incompatibility
#98 opened by bangplaysgames - 1
The Pulley can retract any block
#100 opened by hjake123 - 1
Using a faucet to pull from the base of an Immersive Engineering tank creates an update loop.
#99 opened by D0CTOR-ZED - 3
Server Crash
#101 opened by OcrSu - 1
Crash with latest BYG version
#102 opened by PixusPanic - 1
Wandering Trader Mixin
#103 opened by Jollyolsport - 3
Compat; Bypassing Forge Event callbacks
#104 opened by simibubi - 1
NOT AN ISSUE: Thank you for addressing potential plans to port the mod to Fabric. [INFO]
#105 opened by bushtail - 1
Several textures are far larger than they should be.
#110 opened by Vaelzan - 1
Server Crashes when lighting a gunpowder fuse
#106 opened by NJL5390 - 1
game crash after shooting an elder guardian eye (from upgrade aquatic)
#107 opened by Wedge1453