- 3
Chemical Laboratory hard to automate
#145 opened - 1
1.12.2 Spawn Protection Issues
#144 opened by voidswrath - 2
suggestion if possible
#143 opened by mattrix444 - 0
Single player crash on death
#142 opened by LemADEC - 1
Audio - Audio on one side only for guns
#141 opened by Hazard0814 - 2
Turret can't identify its owner on server
#140 opened by HydrogenC - 2
Crash From RenderAttackHelicopter while using Optfine
#139 opened by IchigoGames - 1
Power Armor Functionality Request
#137 opened by Keyedrin - 3
Entire game with mod crashes after shooting any weapon
#136 opened by LanayruRanger - 0
Doors crashing in multiplayer
#135 opened by pWn3d1337 - 0
[Bug] Visual glitch with MK2 Power Armor helmet
#134 opened by DevTimur - 2
[Question] Creative players kill others in creative?
#133 opened by Akitori - 0
[Request] Forcefield Generator?
#132 opened by CobaltTheProtogen - 4
Grenade launcher crashes client that shoots it
#131 opened by Elrol - 0
Repair bench doesn't support ore dictionary
#130 opened by LDalling - 2
conflict with astral sorcery attunement
#129 opened by kreezxil - 0
Armors integration
#128 opened by LemADEC - 2
[Request] Vivecraft and Techguns
#127 opened by apopanda - 3
crash while loading nbt data with npe
#126 opened by kreezxil - 4
[Suggestion] Config option for disable NPC spawn in dimensions
#125 opened by VioletWyvern - 3
Techguns Crashing my game every 10 minutes or less
#124 opened by noahthomas2014 - 1
Question: Do you accept models?
#123 opened by BlastaMasta - 3
Turrets shooting at targets behind obstacles
#122 opened by ConfusedMerlin - 3
Can you remove the square thing when a gun shoots?
#121 opened by Ludoki - 2
World greifing
#120 opened by phantom1151 - 2
World generation crash in newest versions
#119 opened by Supercarlover1 - 2
[military assignment request] Endermen Seeking Duty Options
#118 opened by kreezxil - 1
- 1
[Suggestion] Config option for armor boosts
#116 opened by WhiteScorpion7 - 1
Guided-Nuclear Launcher?
#115 opened - 2
Bullets crashes the server when shooting on a mining dimension portal
#114 opened by InfiniteX95 - 2
Bugged particles
#113 opened by DerRoboMeister - 1
Worldgen Crash
#112 opened by Circine - 6
Compatibility with NuclearCraft world radiation system
#111 opened by Fishkaras - 12
not sure how to set up the crafttweaker file
#110 opened by Heyo13579 - 3
requst for code information
#109 opened by Heyo13579 - 1
Config to disable Techguns Inventory
#108 opened by dariusfontan - 2
Some bugs in TG
#107 opened by VioletWyvern - 13
Compatibility with Draconic evolution mod
#106 opened by Libright1558 - 7
Unable to export liquids from output tank in chemical laboratory
#105 opened by Doroschenkov - 4
[Bug] Shooting and Reloading sounds
#104 opened by triffman33 - 2
Turret inventory filtering
#103 opened by xenoflot - 2
Techguns crash of Oreclusterscanner
#102 opened by Y33tworm - 2
1.12.2- ticking entity
#101 opened by kreezxil - 23
rendering error
#100 opened by Shibva - 3
#99 opened by HydrogenC - 4
Mobs don't respect stages on MobStages (GameStage)
#98 opened by RenanVieira88 - 1
Network Disconnect: A fatal error has occurred, this connection is terminated
#97 opened by HydrogenC - 2
Turret ID
#96 opened by grigorii-horos - 2
[Suggestion] Add config option to control a whitelist/blacklist for spawns
#95 opened by Darkveld