- 1
LESU - Server console error
#1369 opened by FilipK-CZ - 6
A few bugs
#1370 opened by NotTooSlick - 0
[1.12.2] Crash on start-up
#1371 opened by Diamondman121314 - 0
Steel Chainsaw runs on 0 energy.
#1376 opened by Chunkey - 6
TPS goes down when having AutoCraftingTable
#1374 opened by JoeSGT - 1
1.12 Server crash on startup
#1375 opened by VimbaTheFish - 2
1.12 Error in console
#1383 opened by VimbaTheFish - 1
Crashing When Using the Wrench
#1384 opened by InterPlay02 - 0
Translation to the "Cell" word
#1386 opened by InterPlay02 - 1
[1.12.2] Crash with Cresent Hammer of Thermal Expansion
#1387 opened by Skaphegor - 0
[Enhancement] Industrial Grinder and Sawmill updating tank both on client and server
#1377 opened by drcrazy - 0
[1.12.2][Crash] Game crash after breaking Sodalite ore
#1378 opened by OneEyeMaker - 1
Nitro Diesel is very expensive to make
#1382 opened by modmuss50 - 2
[1.12.2] Crash when placing fusion control computer and impossible to automatically import items
#1395 opened by tregeiw2 - 3
Problem with recipes and OreDictionary
#1396 opened by OneEyeMaker - 0
Thin blocks are off-screen when holding
#1398 opened by jusvit - 0
[Suggestion] Crafttweaker removeAll() option for all machines
#1389 opened by Skillotic0703 - 1
[1.12] Plasma Generator JEI GUI bug
#1390 opened by Skillotic0703 - 2
Do not register small dusts as 'dustTiny' in OreDictionary
#1392 opened by OneEyeMaker - 4
1.12 Error spammin in console
#1393 opened by VimbaTheFish - 3
[1.12.2] Some recipes do not use Ore Dictionary (Compatibility with other mods)
#1394 opened by Skaphegor - 7
How can I Translate this?
#1402 opened by InterPlay02 - 1
Distillation Tower Crafttweaker Support
#1403 opened by Kevun1 - 0
Option to modify/remove fuels from fluid generators
#1404 opened by Kevun1 - 2
(Suggestion) Liquid Rubber Processing System
#1405 opened by ArticulatedDrunk - 6
Configure Slots function on servers
#1406 opened by VermillionX - 1
"Configure Slots" is behind the slots
#1399 opened by InterPlay02 - 0
Recipe yields TR solar over IC2 solar even when in "ic2 compat mode"
#1400 opened by OrdinatorStouff - 0
Bronze Block Missing Ore Dictionary Tag
#1401 opened by HorizonsMC - 4
[1.12] Can't remove Iridium from the Industrial Grinder
#1409 opened by MasterEnderman - 0
ModTweaker + Scrap Boxes
#1407 opened by VermillionX - 0
[Crafttweaker support] removeAll() doesn't work at all
#1410 opened by Skillotic0703 - 4
Not able to lock recipes in the rolling machine
#1412 opened by LukeSkywaIker - 2
[1.12.2] Wrenching Computer Cube or Auto Crafting Table
#1417 opened by VermillionX - 0
[1.12.2] Player Detector
#1418 opened by VermillionX - 0
TechReborn conflict with Minecolonies
#1414 opened by Raycoms - 13
Drill Weird Behaviour
#1415 opened by temp1011 - 5
Fusion reactor problems still in 1.10.2
#1416 opened by Mac15001900 - 2
Can I share this mod with the minecraft forum in China?
#1420 opened by 6Bpencle - 3
[1.10.2] Compatibility issue with Minecolony
#1419 opened by yotthani - 18
Auto crafting table crash
#1423 opened by modmuss50 - 2
Nitrofuel Cells
#1424 opened by VermillionX - 11
The game crash when I click “configuring slot”
#1421 opened by DTouble - 0
[1.12.2] Fusion Control Computer side configuration
#1422 opened by wamc2017 - 16
AutoCraftingTable low performance
#1429 opened by JoeSGT - 1
Electric Furnace flicker on 4 overclockers
#1425 opened by bpwhelan - 1
Grinder giving lapis dust for ALL dyes
#1426 opened by bpwhelan - 1
[1.12] removeAll() doesn't work with Fusion Reactor, Rolling Machine and Scrapbox
#1427 opened by Skillotic0703 - 2
Generator Bugs
#1430 opened by VermillionX - 9
Missing Recipes in JEI
#1431 opened by VermillionX