- 1
Omni-Tool can only break vanilla ores
#2256 opened by DaFuqs - 1
Astromine compat: Grinder
#2257 opened by DaFuqs - 0
Astromine compat: Compressor
#2259 opened by DaFuqs - 4
Jackhammer broken
#2253 opened by DaFuqs - 0
Grinding Recipes for Ancient Debris
#2254 opened by DaFuqs - 4
Netherite-Tier Powertool(s)
#2255 opened by DaFuqs - 3
"ClassCastException: BlockItem cannot be cast to ItemFluidInfo" ticking Industrial Grinder after mod update
#2261 opened by copygirl - 0
"Empty Cell" output and input slots for chemical reactor
#2262 opened by DaFuqs - 1
Unbreaking and Mending can be applied to Lapotron Crystal
#2263 opened by copygirl - 0
Charge-O-Mat can't charge batteries or tools
#2264 opened by RammasunW - 1
"Unable to get CCW facing of down" crash when other player places wind mill on server
#2267 opened by copygirl - 0
Basic Chainsaws seem to have the wrong stats and works without charge
#2268 opened by tenguin - 5
Tech Reborn storage units not keeping meta data/stored item contents
#2269 opened by Technici4n - 1
Missing tags in recipes
#2270 opened by Technici4n - 1
Overlapping upgrade tooltips
#2271 opened by Technici4n - 2
[1.16.3] Advancements not localized.
#2272 opened by ProsperCraft - 3
cells are displayed like this
#2273 opened by Miros77 - 0
errors at the start of the world
#2274 opened by Miros77 - 0
Support item tags in (grinding) recipes
#2275 opened by DaFuqs - 0
Rubber saplings not growing in single player, crashing dedicated server
#2281 opened by Reveter - 1
TR breaks Modern Industrialization's worldgen
#2282 opened by Technici4n - 0
Oh The Biomes You'll Go Compat: Grinder
#2276 opened by DaFuqs - 7
Add Rubber Sign and Boat
#2277 opened by saltyseadoggo - 0
Rubber Fence and Fence Gate cannot be used as fuel
#2278 opened by saltyseadoggo - 0
Let Rubber Sapling be potted
#2279 opened by saltyseadoggo - 1
Datapacks can't seem to override TR recipes
#2280 opened by saltyseadoggo - 0
"Inventory" text is misplaced in auto crafting table GUI
#2287 opened by saltyseadoggo - 0
Auto crafting table GUI result item displays over slot config popup
#2288 opened by saltyseadoggo - 0
Missing `c:silicon_plates` tag for some Assembling Machine recipes
#2284 opened by Technici4n - 1
Machine screens are not closed when broken
#2289 opened by Technici4n - 0
Solid Canning Machine doesn't drop when mined
#2290 opened by Lykrast - 1
Game Crashes Immediately As It Launches
#2291 opened by ThatCrispyToast - 0
Input Filtering for Electric Furnaces
#2292 opened by coderkalyan - 0
Grind up a coal block to 9 coal dusts in grinder
#2293 opened by LegendLZD - 0
Tech Reborn Ruby, Sapphire recipes don't work
#2294 opened by Ambrs - 1
Omni-Tool has durability for some reason.
#2295 opened by Bluberry-Kat - 0
Storage capacity doesn't sync on servers
#2296 opened by Nixill - 1
Multiple batteries recharge each other (batteries recharge everything in the inventory)
#2297 opened by DenisNovac - 2
Quantum Armor is completely bypassed by Age of Exile damage
#2298 opened by marximpotato - 1
Industrial grinder filtering
#2300 opened by requiamer - 1
Automatic fishing
#2299 opened by Starjumper2821 - 1
Hopper under grinder crashes game
#2301 opened by TheChay - 0
Recyclers not using any power
#2304 opened by AtelierAmber - 1
Auto crafting table doesn't import items
#2305 opened by AtelierAmber - 0
Quantum Armor energy does not discharge and protect against damage
#2302 opened by marximpotato - 1
Improve recipe lookup performance with Auto-Crafting Table and Iron Furnace
#2306 opened by Technici4n - 7
Oil lakes is not generated
#2307 opened by roman901 - 0
Chunk loader crash
#2308 opened by CrossWayIstaken - 1
Biofuel and Oil fluids use 32x32 texture when still, and are always flowing
#2309 opened by saltyseadoggo - 2
Many flowing fluids use 8x8 version of their still textures instead of 16x16 flowing texture
#2310 opened by saltyseadoggo