- 1
TR Nuke NoSuchMethodError
#2143 opened by ArchieBeepBoop - 1
suggestion: add config option to disable top left armor gui
#2144 opened by 5l4y3r-burrito - 1
Quantum Armor Set Craft Config
#2145 opened by ahkui - 2
Fabric Resource Pack Marked as for Outdated Version [1.16]
#2146 opened by Avakining - 1
Basic drill mining without power [1.16-3.4.2+build.48]
#2147 opened by loleq2105 - 2
Placing a solar panel causes server to hang while preparing spawn area on next launch
#2150 opened by fstrace4 - 0
Machine GUI wonkiness [1.16-3.4.2+build.48]
#2148 opened by loleq2105 - 0
Rubber door dupe [1.16-3.4.2+build.48]
#2149 opened by howie052877 - 2
Wrench Doesn't Perform a Block Update
#2152 opened - 1
Industrial Grinder Multi-Block issue
#2154 opened by serp-nt - 2
Basic Storage Unit
#2155 opened by Smakthatwaffle - 2
Generator and furnaces should be able to filter input
#2156 opened by bentterp - 1
Step-up transformers
#2158 opened by bentterp - 2
Turn Off Equipped Gear In Corner
#2160 opened by Xwicked-knightX - 5
Cannot Craft Wrench
#2163 opened by ClaudiusMinimus - 0
Storage units not correctly pulling from furnaces
#2162 opened by Processhf - 1
Issue: Grinding Gravel, String
#2164 opened by KnatteAnka - 1
Cells and Buckets have invisible texture when Sodium installed
#2166 opened by Logic530 - 6
Basic tank only fills to 1%
#2169 opened by bentterp - 1
Auto crafting table can't craft items from UU-matter
#2170 opened by Grimoire-of-Chemist - 0
Eine Geschäftsanfrage
#2171 opened - 2
Materials for industrial mills and industrial blast furnaces
#2173 opened by xzdxp - 3
Machines don't pull from Barrels
#2174 opened by astocky - 2
Most products and resources missing icons?
#2176 opened by Silentdarkness12 - 0
Uninsulated wires damage the player even after getting disconnected
#2178 opened by Aldenar - 6
Invisible cells
#2179 opened by Duzhk - 1
Inconsistent biofuel fluid textures [TechReborn-1.16-3.4.5+build.95]
#2180 opened by loleq2105 - 1
Certain armor pieces made fo sertain gemstones have an unusually high armor rating [TechReborn-1.16-3.4.5+build.95]
#2181 opened by loleq2105 - 0
Client crash: IllegalStateException: Unable to get CCW facing of down
#2183 opened by Katorone - 2
All cell cannot be translated into Chinese,E.g. water cell,lava cell.
#2184 opened by NoWhereMee - 1
Drill problems
#2185 opened by KnatteAnka - 2
Gem armor unbalanced in the current state.
#2186 opened by ImAK9 - 1
#2187 opened by Psychonator17 - 4
Item/block textures issues within modpack use
#2188 opened by NxD136 - 1
Single use wooden plates
#2190 opened by Moddingear - 3
Quantum armor should use energy to defend enemies' attack
#2191 opened by LegendLZD - 2
Wikipedia page incomplete
#2189 opened by Kriegermadmax - 2
Cannot Grind Marble
#2192 opened by blu006 - 0
Increase the push rate of tanks with higher tiers
#2193 opened by Katorone - 1
Cant craft crude storage unit
#2194 opened by anyiome - 0
Actual greenhouse controller area differs from hologram
#2195 opened by Jilocasin - 0
Getting infinite liquid with a tank
#2197 opened by jmilt17 - 1
Omni-Tool doesn't correctly harvest some Ores.
#2196 opened by MonsterActual - 1
Quantum Leggings zoom effect & 1.16.2 FOV Effects off
#2198 opened by Katorone - 2
Issues with Hot Tungstensteel bar
#2201 opened by thornwhip - 3
#2202 opened by ayushaanand - 6
No Rubber Trees On Server [1.16.2]
#2200 opened by nephatrine - 5
Incompatible with new libcd? (crash at launch)
#2203 opened by crest1993 - 1
Suggestion: Make the drain remove the source blocks of flowing liquid touching it
#2204 opened by Katorone - 2
Void inputted items for creative storage units/tanks
#2205 opened by Katorone