- 0
Places with explosion have a chance to not generate the rest of the building part
#561 opened by TqLxQuanZ - 4
City Generation conflict with vanilla village generation
#560 opened by TqLxQuanZ - 0
Lost Cities 1.19.2 and custom sea level
#559 opened by Golrith - 0
How i can add new building? 1.16.5
#558 opened by 0veR6amE - 0
[Suggestion] Have set settings when creating a world
#557 opened by OFFICIAL-Jaenk - 0
[Suggestion] Urban, residential, suburban housing generation + settings
#556 opened by Barerock - 2
Don't change profile to setting server generation
#555 opened by Phillanor - 4
Is Lootr compatible with Lost Cities's chests?
#554 opened by NiGHT0FDAWN - 2
[Question] Random damaged blocks?
#553 opened by strubium - 2
Crash reports
#552 opened by TheLoneSojourner - 6
Crash on startup 1.16.5
#551 opened by janerikk - 0
editpart on a stairs part does not include meta section on export, causing chunk gen errors
#550 opened by hanleybrand - 4
[1.18.2] Loot condition ignored when in a random palette/style
#548 opened by CaiganMythFang - 1
Config file not found
#547 opened by NNobal76 - 1
#546 opened by CHICOCHOCOLATADA - 2
[Feature Request] Prevent cities from generating with other mods structure
#545 opened by Kasualix - 3
About modifying the assets of lostcity' s .jar file in 1.12.2.
#544 opened by ysrwhs - 4
[Question] Utilizing Custom Loot Tables from Datapacks in Lost Cities & An Additional Query
#543 opened by Untrustedlife - 4
[question] Is there a way for modpack authors to replace "standing" trees in Lost Cities structures with a command?
#542 opened by JadianRadiator - 7
The crafting dead integration
#540 opened by RileyOard - 13
[1.12.2] Random values don't work correctly in palettes and spawning of buildings
#539 opened by spaseksplorer - 6
Lost City keeps crashing the world after loading the world for a few seconds.
#538 opened by TrashOmenLord - 1
[1.19.3] Client hard lockup on load. Caused by: java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: Index -2044 out of bounds for length 24
#537 opened by ProsperCraft - 6
city generation doesnt stay in its world
#534 opened by Tommy7026 - 0
[Suggestion] Add the ability for floors to generate in groups in certain areas of buildings
#533 opened by spaseksplorer - 0
Rebuild lighting from blocks that have lights
#532 opened by TqLxQuanZ - 1
#530 opened by HennryReedPlaysMC - 7
[Asset System Question] Can I use commands such as CreateBuilding or CreatePart to generate custom assets?
#529 opened by PeterBennyFooda - 0
City gets overriden or cut off from terrain generation.
#526 opened by TqLxQuanZ - 1
Multibuilding doesn't align all the building parts together
#525 opened by TqLxQuanZ - 1
Parks and other low structures in biomes with tall trees leave floating tree tops
#522 opened by RobAllen0 - 5
Wasteland is normal city generation
#519 opened by AterSoul - 1
[Suggestion/Add-on] Road Generation
#518 opened by firemaster1294 - 6
Minecraft crashes when loading a world with the mod. This is the crash report.
#517 opened by Autumnfoxbrr - 3
Error gen with TerraForged
#516 opened by UrbanSide - 2
1.18.2 Error with pregen
#515 opened by UrbanSide - 5
[1.16.5] minecraft crashing & wont start
#514 opened by fex3760 - 3
Opengl error 1281 invalid value
#513 opened by StinkyHangingSack - 8
1.18.2 isn't generating cities
#512 opened by JadianRadiator - 8
I get error code -1 when trying to join a world
#511 opened by MostLikelyHuman - 1
Bound must be positive
#510 opened by Artembelov - 9
1.18 freeze due to Invalid name given to minecraft:root getOrThrow
#509 opened by reenigne1 - 2
It works for a good while until it does this
#508 opened by JuddJohnsonIV - 13
Singleplayer world crashes while loading chunks
#507 opened by nomnivore1 - 6
in 1.16.5 theres a bug with the cobblestone wall that looks disgusting
#506 opened by demifried - 0
[Suggested Feature] building placed can change based on conditions
#505 opened by userofbricks - 0
"<in>" for spawnCity 1.18.2
#504 opened by alessandriLuca - 2
[suggestion] New Structures for Lost Cities Worlds
#503 opened by CheezBallzFTW - 1
Bisect Server World Generation Troubleshoot
#502 opened by Hex1t - 1
getting a profile using aternos
#501 opened by deez12-hash